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A disgraceful Beatles rip-off


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You know, the Beatles are a major influence for me. I was born in '62, so I was also influenced by a lot of other '70's and '80's pop music. With most of my songs, you can hear some Beatle's influence, but in a '70ish early '80's context.


I just finished a song that I'm a little embarrassed about because the verses are so unabashedly Beatlesque and because of the rather trite psychodelic lyrics in the verses (See lyrics below).


It's called "Beyond The Winds of Time." www.reverbnation.com/larrylevin


Maybe someone could help me with the lyrics so it won't be as "flower power" trite. Or at the least you can tell me if anything makes you go ouch.


There are some other influences you'll hear. There's some Chris Isaak kind of low Western guitar, some Pete Townshend lead, Zombies Organ, even a piano run in the chorus that I borrowed from Elvis Costello.


I don't mind the song being a tribute, I just don't want it to be a caricature. Thanks for any suggestions.






All that is love

The sweetest love

Is beyond the winds of time

All that is bliss

Soft as a kiss

Is beyond the winds of time


All that is pure

It will endure

Beyond the winds of time

All that you yearn

Someday you'll learn

It's beyond the winds of time



Be be the beauty you

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I got some good critiques on another forum for arranger keyboardists. Some critiques that I wasn't expecting:


1. Too many fills (from three people)

2. That I should use real drum samples instead of the keyboard to generate the drums (from two people)

3. Timing issues on guitar solo and some of the vocals (from a few people).

4. That since I didn't start out with a good vocal track that I had noticeable artifacts from the pitch correction software.

5. A few just didn't like the song. Screw those idiots!@!


I am rewriting some of the lyrics, and I think that when I make these other changes, I'll have a good song. I'm still open to more ideas.



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Yeah, I heard a couple of vocal artifacts (one was pretty obvious...the rest, not sure I would have picked up on if you hadn't mentioned it). The drum sounds could be a bit more authentic. I didn't have a problem with the number of fills as much as there were a couple of fills that were a bit over the top. I'd try to simplify some of the more complex fills. I didn't notice any major timing issues (only listened once though and wasn't really focusing on that). Overall, I think this is the best effort I've heard from you so far. I really enjoyed it.

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You know, the Beatles are a major influence for me. I was born in '62, so I was also influenced by a lot of other '70's and '80's pop music. With most of my songs, you can hear some Beatle's influence, but in a '70ish early '80's context.



Good song. I got more of a Badfinger/ELO vibe than the Beatles themselves.

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Good song. I got more of a Badfinger/ELO vibe than the Beatles themselves.



Yeah. Or maybe at best solo-Era George Harrison, especially your voice. Your voice has warbliness similar to George's. That guitar run too...


But yeah - stop sweating it either way. Beatles rip-off has been well-respected genre of pop in its own right for years, decades even. (I think Beatlesque is even in the dictionary).


Monkees Satanic Majesties-era Stones. Oasis. Beulah. Michael Penn. Jellyfish. The La's. The Posies. The Bangles. XTC. Til Tuesday. Badfinger. Panic at the Disco. Ween. Elliott Smith. The Pillows. Many many more and now...


Larry Levin.....


Point is I don't think you can ever sound too much like the Beatles. Nice joint, by the way. Although it sounds like you're saying "Beep Beep," at one point, which is kind of distracting.

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Hey, that's be be. Not beep beep!


Anyway, I'm changing a few of the lyrics. The last words will go:


We cling to gold

We cannot hold

Beyond the winds of time

We cling to thoughts

That can't be brought

Beyond the winds of time


Just love that's pure

Will still endure

Beyond the winds of time

This story ends

And starts again

Beyond the winds of time.


Thank you for telling me I'm not a shameless copycat. I'll have a finished product soon.



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I like the song. It does have a certain '60s folkish type feel to it, but I didn't hear any obvious Beatles influence.


I think the drums were impressive for the most part, but there were a couple fills toward the end of the track that were way too over-the-top for a song like this. Sometimes less is more.


The vocal-tuning artifacts were somewhat noticeable, but particularly obvious in the background vocals. I would probably work on that.


Watch out for synth sounds that are a bit too fake sounding, unless that's your intent. The synth strings made the track sound a bit cheesy. If you're going to use that sound, maybe find a way to make it a bit more subtle.


The main issue I noticed with the track is that their were some major timing problems, both with the vocals and the instrumentation. I would work on tightening everything up a bit. Don't go nuts with quantization (if you're working with MIDI, sometimes the temptation is to go overboard with it), but maybe try tigheting up the performances.


But I really have no issues with the song itself. Solid work all around.

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