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apparently crack is cheap and readily available


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Want to sound like a monster like Steve Vai? Carvin/Marshall Vintage - $1500 (Echo Park, Silverlake, Hollywood, L.A.)


Date: 2009-03-03, 11:48AM PST



Well, gramps is letting his beloved half stack go for sale to the right party.


This is an original Carvin X100B Tube Amp, outfitted with Groove Tubes, original. Made in the mid eighties.


It is felt covered and in very good shape, It is felt covered with two slight cig burns on top but otherwise in pristine condition.


This is the head used by Steve Vai and the sound that Carvin is trying to recreate in their current "reissue" series.


Here is what the "reissue" looks like, mines is felt covered. I included this link to show you what the reissue looks like.




A pretender priced at $600-$700.........


I have the real one for fifty more, at $750.00


The cabinet is a Marshall 1960A slant 4"x12" 300 Watt RMS 16 ohm cabinet from the early eighties in very good condition. This is the model 1960A JCM800, Lead 4x12" 300W 16

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the guy even added a link with an auction for a NEW one for $599 and said "mine is the vintage one and it's only $150 more"

You and I should go to this guy, say we want it, then smack him upside the head, and take it. Hes only like 10 mins from us :lol::facepalm:

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Aahhhh, Los Angeles craigslist, you can find a ridiculous deal EVERY single day, but you have to scan through tons of douchebaggery.


I always feel like e-mailing the sellers with



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