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NY Guys need to get a guitar fixed !!!


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Hey guys my other guitarist just chipped his new steph carpenter 7 after only a week. Hes really really pissed about it, he said its not bad but its something that he will notice and something that he will get pissed about:lol: so he wants to get it fixed....


So does any one know a good place on LI or Tri State that fixes chipped paint on guitars?


thanks guys :thu:

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Hey Nitrous,

I get most of my routine maintenance done by Royal Music on Sunrise Highway in Merrick. They do great work and are cool guys. I'm not 100% sure if they handle paint jobs though.

You could also look into S.B. MacDonald out in Huntington. He is a custom guitar builder and vintage repair guy who does gorgeous work. I bet he'd do one hell of a job touching up the finish on your friends axe.

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If it's only a finish chip? and not in a prominent place? try dropping some clear nail polish in the chip? Or if you don't want to use that, a more manly option is clear automotive lacquer, usually can be bought in sticks with brushes in them.
Alternatively if its deep, try some clear superglue.

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