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First you have to have motivation... hopefully that motivation will suggest to you what you have to say... sometimes it's not that easy, though. Sometimes you feel like singing but the words don't come...


A sculptor, it may have been Rodin (August Rodin, not the big flying lizard), when asked how he conceived of his stone sculptures said something like: Oh, the sculpture is already there in the stone... it's just up to me to figure out what to chip away to reveal it.



I'm not entirely sure how pertinent that is to songwriting, though. :D (But it's a real insight into the way many folks mix.)

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the sculpture is already there in the stone... it's just up to me to figure out what to chip away to reveal it.


Now that is rather deep.;)


I think, though, that it is pertinent to writing as well as mixing, at least once the muse has struck and the song is there for you to write.

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