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My thoughts on the DSL 50


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Warning: LONG!


So it arrived Tuesday morning but I hadn't had a chance to play it until last night. That was tricky waiting that long. I've replaced my Engl Fireball.


Sorry, no pics as I don't have a camera, and even if I did, it's far too much effort :cop:


So, here are my thoughts: I must stress the volume never went higher than 1, so these are just my thoughts on bedroom volume playing.


Green 1 (Clean) = They're nice. Never really appreciated my ENGL Fireball's cleans until now. The DSL has nice cleans but nothing to jizz my pants over. But I didn't buy this for cleans so they'll do.


Green 2 (classic rock) = Now I heard great things about this channel. I wasn't that impressed. A bit flabby on the low strings and not enough bite for a good solo.


Red 1 (harder rock) = This is the channel I like the most. Has just about enough gain for me and it started to come alive.


Red 2 (metal) = Again, I liked this channel. Lower notes started to get a bit mushy but a bit of EQing sorted this out.


Now I'll say this. This amp is unusable without a boost. I'll be keeping my TS9 on whenever my amp is switched on (minus the clean channel).


I've still got a lot of playing around to do. I can't decide whether I like the bass boosted or reduced, or whether I prefer the mids scooped or not. It is a ton more versatile than my Fireball, which is nice.


I've also gotta turn it up more, when I get a chance. I didn't throw my MXR EQ in there either, so that might help things out.


Not sure what I'm gonna do about soloing. I'm guessing I'll be using Red 1 for rhythm. I'm gonna need something for a volume boost to solo (may well need to use my EQ for this...)


I have another problem - my FX loop makes the amp hum like a bitch. Any ideas what that could be? It's totally quiet when I disconnect it but I need the FX loop for reverb, chorus and delay. I find the amps reverb to be {censored} compared to my Holy Grail pedal. Shame because I could've done with selling it for some cash.


Overall I'm quite pleased. I'm not totally done exploring it, but I can't deny I'm feeling a little disappointed. Maybe in the future I'll look into a tube change or something.


Any fellow DSL owners care to comment?

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Uhhhmm... this amp does NOT sound good at bedroom levels. Like this amp has the (IMO) most {censored}ty bedroom sound vs cranked sound ratio ever. It really sounds like complete tird at low vol, but REALLY starts sounding awesome as the volume increases.


Green 2 is AWESOME when you crank the thing. Lead 1 is great for leads, and lead 2 is almost too much when you crank it.


Try volume level around 1-2 oclock, your idea on the amp is going to be WAAAYYY different. You wont be dissapointed! :thu:



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Damn I heard differently that it would sound good at low volumes :(


My Fireball certainly does.


Maybe I need to invest in an attenuator........


Still, any idea why the FX loop makes my amp hum/buzz? Or is it a case of trial and error with every single cable?

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Damn I heard differently that it would sound good at low volumes

My Fireball certainly does.

Maybe I need to invest in an attenuator........

Still, any idea why the FX loop makes my amp hum/buzz? Or is it a case of trial and error with every single cable?


Hum/buzz "COULD" be a preamp tube. Not sure man...


But IMO, the low volume on the DSL 50 renders green 2 and lead 1 unusable pretty much... kills their mojo. Lead 2 at low vol is ok, just turn the gian down when you crank. Clean just sounds warmer as you crank, so you kinda get a {censored}ty clean at low vol, but a nice british one when cranked.



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Green 2 (classic rock) = Now I heard great things about this channel. I wasn't that impressed. A bit flabby on the low strings and not enough bite for a good solo.


Red 1 (harder rock) = This is the channel I like the most. Has just about enough gain for me and it started to come alive.


Red 2 (metal) = Again, I liked this channel. Lower notes started to get a bit mushy but a bit of EQing sorted this out.


Now I'll say this. This amp is unusable without a boost. I'll be keeping my TS9 on whenever my amp is switched on (minus the clean channel).




The DSL has some of the nicest Marshall cleans. Do a search on youtube for some videos. It can do a really slightley broken up clean tone will. I prefer it to my Blackmores cleans....


Green 2 definately has enough bite for solos but it needs to be turned up to do that. When down low it sounds weak. Coming from a Fireball which would have huge saturation at low volumes to give you the gain and sustain you need for solos the crunch channel on the DSL will sound strange. Turn it up though and it gives off that huge thump in your chest thing. Not lots of gain but it still sounds mean. Really like a JCM800.


Red 1 does not need a boost at all. I have the gain at about 5-6 on this for Iron Maiden etc...


Red 2 has too much gain. Again, turn it down a bit. Its good for leads but i think a bit too fizzy for rhythm. Again, it does not need a boost. Only the green crunch channel needs a boost to get it into boosted JCM800 territory. Its great for AC/DC etc...without it. All other channels dont need a boost. I usually stay on crunch and lead 1


Low volume playing is a relative term. I agree with Diaz who said "this amp has the (IMO) most {censored}ty bedroom sound vs cranked sound ratio ever". It definately sounds soo much better as you crank it. The fizzyness goes and it really has that thump in your chest thing


Having said that though. It is one of the better sounding Marshalls at low levels but like all marshalls, needs to be turned up a bit. Even get the volume up to about 3 and you'll feel a big difference from having it at 1.


Almost all tube amps wont sound great at 1


I think it'll just take a bit of getting used to coming from the saturation you get out of the Engl. Stick with it though. Plus, DSLs sound AWESOME in a full band mix. Thats where they really shine :thu:

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I don't ever run mine without a boost. Modded or not and green channel or red, I still boost it. I was disappointed with it unboosted. It didn't have enough body/sustain on its own for my tastes. Put a guitar xciter or 10 band EQ in the loop and it will open it up more. This to me is just as important as a good boost pedal. The right tubes matter getting it warmer and fatter. You know the rest, good speakers, pick ups etc...


I don't consider any of these little extra things I have to do to my DSL to get the best out of it too much to do. I know it sounds way better and it makes me want to play it all the time. Low volume playing should not be expected to sound great. To me for practicing its fine. I don't need it to sound great at low volume. This amp opens up from 3 up on the dial. It does have its sweet spot. It will thump!


The crunch channel boosted with various pedals can give the amp alot of tone choices. I happen to think the clean channel is great.


Try different cables in the EFX loop. It may help. I had cables that quieted the hum some. Mine is not bothering me though.


Mostly with this amp I play blues, classic rock to hard rock. That's where this amp is best IMO. For heavier stuff I prefer a more robust/aggressive tone machine. A different voicing. This amp smokes for blues/rock. Gets me off anyways.:lol:

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Another one for saying you have to turn it up.


Get past 4 on the master volume and wow, it really turns into a monster.

I boost mine on the classic channel (crunch) with a blackstar HT dual, this works for bedroom levels (I will have to do some clips soon).


But when you play with a band this amp cuts though and really thumps with that Marshall roar.


This is an amp for playing live.


Try this settings with a boost for playing at bedroom levels with a boost.



Presence 4.5

Treble 4

Middle 4.5

Bass 6


Classic (crunch) Gain 5 Volume (a wussy) 1


Ultra on 2 volume a piss poor 1 and gain 4



DO NOT EVER use the tone shift, this is your crap button.


Try and avoid using the deep switch you really don't need it, but that's your choice.




Oh I use similar setting with the volume on 4 just a little more bass and less treble and presence.






Let me know how you get on with these.

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IMHO, you dont NEED a boost..... granted a boost helps with certain things, but I sat and played mine yesterday without a boost, and it sounded GREAT. No "mushiness" aggressive and mean, and that was at apt. levels....under or at 1 on MV.


keep working on it, they are GREAT amps.... :thu:

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Lol funny you say that Neil, I actually liked it with the mids scooped and the bass switch on.


I'll definitely look into an attenuator I think. Maybe the Weber Mass 100. There's really no way I'm getting away with turning the volume past 2.


At least It'll give me a good excuse to get off my butt and get a band.


I agree about the boost - no point in turning it on without one.

I'm happy with my speakers/pickups etc. I'm gonna have to try my EQ in the loop.


I hope it is just a cable that's making it hum. I played the guitar straight into the amp and it was silent.


I think it's also just a case of getting used to it. I moved on from my Fireball for a reason, and must not go back to it, even if it did sound great low volumes.

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Lol funny you say that Neil, I actually liked it with the mids scooped and the bass switch on.

I'll definitely look into an attenuator I think. Maybe the Weber Mass 100. There's really no way I'm getting away with turning the volume past 2.

At least It'll give me a good excuse to get off my butt and get a band.

I agree about the boost - no point in turning it on without one.

I'm happy with my speakers/pickups etc. I'm gonna have to try my EQ in the loop.

I hope it is just a cable that's making it hum. I played the guitar straight into the amp and it was silent.

I think it's also just a case of getting used to it. I moved on from my Fireball for a reason, and must not go back to it, even if it did sound great low volumes.


I don't know how these guys like it unboosted. Maybe they have active pick ups on their fiddles but that is boosting too.:lol:


I really liked what the Aphex xciter did in the loop. Without it the amp was boxed in. With it the sound field just opens up. The only downside to this story is the {censored}'n pedal is not durable at all. Its my fav pedal for tone improvement and it won't last. So I settle for the EQ.


For sure try good cables in the loop.

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Lol funny you say that Neil, I actually liked it with the mids scooped and the bass switch on.

I'll definitely look into an attenuator I think. Maybe the Weber Mass 100. There's really no way I'm getting away with turning the volume past 2.

At least It'll give me a good excuse to get off my butt and get a band.

I agree about the boost - no point in turning it on without one.

I'm happy with my speakers/pickups etc. I'm gonna have to try my EQ in the loop.

I hope it is just a cable that's making it hum. I played the guitar straight into the amp and it was silent.

I think it's also just a case of getting used to it. I moved on from my Fireball for a reason, and must not go back to it, even if it did sound great low volumes.



At low volumes, the tone shift and deep switch seem more appealing, adding the warmth and color that appear naturally at higher volumes. That is maybe why you like those settings.


And to others, I know a boost is nice with it, but I can totally go without. Sounds effin awesome on its own - lovely AC/DC at high vols / classic bluesbreaker tones not very far off.


But yeah boost give you that 80's hair metal pinch harmonics TOANZ!!



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+1 for having to open it up, just like any tube amp. I also have to agree with the "tone shift is your crap button" comment. It's one of those things like cranking the gain to 10... It sounds cool in your bedroom at low volume, but at stage volume in a mix, it's a recipe for fizz.


What are you running in your loop? If your running something with adjustable input level you might have to mess with that a little to find the sweet spot. If it's not right it can result in a lot of noise.

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+1 for having to open it up, just like any tube amp. I also have to agree with the "tone shift is your crap button" comment. It's one of those things like cranking the gain to 10... It sounds cool in your bedroom at low volume, but at stage volume in a mix, it's a recipe for fizz.

What are you running in your loop? If your running something with adjustable input level you might have to mess with that a little to find the sweet spot. If it's not right it can result in a lot of noise.


Loop input: Boss RC2 (which I never use might take out!) > Chorus > Delay > Reverb: Loop output.


I think that's it. I'm gonna shove my MXR 10 band in there (beginning or end cant remember).


My Engl buzzed as well (after being retubed) so I have a strong (hopeful) feeling it's a cable or pedal, and not the amp or socket that's playing up.


Yeah I hear what you're saying DyeMusica...! :cry::lol:

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I have not issues using my DSL100 1/2 without a boost or something in the loop. For the first time this weekend, I'm going to try it with a TS-10 for a boost and an EQ-20 in the loop to see if there is anything to this, but like I said, I've been happy for 10 years without it.


I've never tried the loop, but if I did I'd make sure to use shielded cables.


I'm able to play at least with the volume at 3.


Playing the amp with the volume at 1 is like driving a Ferrari in 1st gear.

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Uhhhmm... this amp does NOT sound good at bedroom levels. Like this amp has the (IMO) most {censored}ty bedroom sound vs cranked sound ratio ever.




I completely disagree. It sounds great at bedroom levels.


Of course, the more you crank it up the better it sounds..... but seriously...... My DSL 100(s) sound great even when they're only on 1.

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Loop input: Boss RC2 (which I never use might take out!) > Chorus > Delay > Reverb: Loop output.

I think that's it. I'm gonna shove my MXR 10 band in there (beginning or end cant remember).

My Engl buzzed as well (after being retubed) so I have a strong (hopeful) feeling it's a cable or pedal, and not the amp or socket that's playing up.

Yeah I hear what you're saying DyeMusica...!


Check your power first....every issue I've ever had with noise in the loop has come down to pedal power of some sort. How are you powering your pedals?

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Ok I'll be getting the Mass Weber 100 then.


I'm using Framus 2X12 with V30's.


I can't remember the name of the thing powering my pedals, but when I had only my reverb in the loop (powered by it's own source, not daisied), it still buzzed.




Found it. I'm using that to power every pedal I have (sig) except for the reverb which has it's own power cord.

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