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Watch this and tell me you wish to live on a different planet.


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Great video. Something big is gonna happen within the next year.





It may take much longer than 1 year, but something will eventually happen.








Look, I wish I didn't believe any of this stuff. I wish the people in the government and the people in control of massive amounts of wealth were working for a better world. I wish people were doing good for the purpose of doing good.



...but they simply are not. This world would be in a different condition if people were trying to help others.

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i wonder if the same people who made zeitgeist made this

Ok, I'll play devil's advocate. What exactly is false in the Zeitgeist movie?

I'm not supporting the Zeitgeist movie, but honestly, give me a fact that disputes something in that movie.

I find that there are a lot of people that like to say things are false, yet have no idea why they say certain things are false.

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Ok, I'll play devil's advocate. What exactly is false in the Zeitgeist movie?



The discussion about other culture's beliefs and archaeological/cultural evidence has about as much academic rigor as a coloring book (or Von Daniken). I hadn't seen so much concentrated bull{censored} since Chariots of the Gods came out.


Seriously...if even have to ASK this question, there's not point in continuing to reply to you.

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The discussion about other culture's beliefs and archaeological/cultural evidence has about as much academic rigor as a coloring book (or Von Daniken). I hadn't seen so much concentrated bull{censored} since Chariots of the Gods came out.

Seriously...if even have to ASK this question, there's not point in continuing to reply to you.





Facts. I need facts.



You have none.

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Ok, I'll play devil's advocate. What exactly is false in the Zeitgeist movie?

I'm not supporting the Zeitgeist movie, but honestly, give me a fact that disputes something in that movie.

I find that there are a lot of people that like to say things are false, yet have no idea why they say certain things are false.

i dont know if it's true or not.
i wouldnt be surprised if some of it is true - but neither one of us can pove it right or wrong- it's just some movie some people made. :idk:
im no a patriotic person for the USA at all- believe me- if i had any money- i'd have moved to amsterdam or austrailia or somewhere else a loooooong time ago, but i mean really- common sense kind of tells me that if these people were so "elite" - then how the {censored} did somebody have basically a play by play of everything they've done and plan to do? :rolleyes:

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The discussion about other culture's beliefs and archaeological/cultural evidence has about as much academic rigor as a coloring book (or Von Daniken). I hadn't seen so much concentrated bull{censored} since Chariots of the Gods came out.

Seriously...if even have to ASK this question, there's not point in continuing to reply to you.



I'm asking only to prove that when people such as 9ball bitch about something being false that they generally cannot give proof as to why they claim something is untrue.

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Look, the problems we face now are far beyond democrats and republicans. What we are dealing with is the bigger people behind the politicians that we the people praise and blame for everything.

I'm honestly sick that nothing I do will have any impact on what is happening and on who is actually controlling this world.



bro ...its been like that for hundreds of years....

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I'm asking only to prove that when people such as 9ball bitch about something being false that they generally cannot give proof as to why they claim something is untrue.

i never really actually bitched about anything being false.
why should i have to prove anything to you?- you're the conspiracy theorist- prove to me that it's true. :idk:

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I'm asking only to prove that when people such as 9ball bitch about something being false that they generally cannot give proof as to why they claim something is untrue.



However, the only 'proof' you're offering is a Google video produced by an individual with a track record that makes Michael Moore look fair and balanced.


I've never understood why YouTube or Google video is considered a scholarly source on internet forums.

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However, the only 'proof' you're offering is a Google video produced by an individual with a track record that makes Michael Moore look fair and balanced.

I've never understood why YouTube or Google video is considered a scholarly source on internet forums.




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I have no problem with Obama as a person, but honestly how can anyone continue to support him.

He has NOT followed through on anything he said he would do, in fact, he's done the complete opposite.



He's been in office for just over 2 months. I guess he should have fixed all our problems by now.

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He's been in office for just over 2 months now. I guess he should have fixed all our problems by now.





Hmm...let us see here.



Obama said he would get rid of lobbyists.

- Lobbyists paid for his inaguration party.


Obama said he planned on pulling out of the Middle East immediatly.

- No attempt at pulling out, in fact he helped pass legislature to bring more soldiers over there and to prolong their stay



Do you really want me to keep going?



This is sad.

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The discussion about other culture's beliefs and archaeological/cultural evidence has about as much academic rigor as a coloring book (or Von Daniken). I hadn't seen so much concentrated bull{censored} since Chariots of the Gods came out.

Seriously...if even have to ASK this question, there's not point in continuing to reply to you.



just curious have you been to Egypt, Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza any of these places etc?

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Prove that any of this film is wrong.

You won't find any.

From the moment I saw the common BS strategy of adding Rahm Emmanuel video from three years ago and trying to link it with Obamas recent speeches in regards to encouraging kids to do community service in return for college grants, in order to decieve people and make them think he's reinstating the draft.......I kinda couldn't really take it seriously.


If Emmanuel was the president, I'd maybe have my pants in a twist, but he's not. If were going to go by "policy by association", then does that mean that Obama is going to suddenly adopt all of Hillary Clintons views, just because he asked her to serve in the whitehouse? Kinda retarded logic IMO.


Rahm Emmanuel made that interview three years ago, and it has nothing to do with anything Obama has ever stated.


Yet this footage was shown to make people believe Obama is reinstating the draft, less than a minute into the video.


Therefore, I believe this video contains information which can be considered half truths and/or misleading.



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Just because A is definitely A and B is definitely B doesn't mean that A + B = C.

You should do some reading on discourse analysis in relation to power and constructions of 'truth.'

I don't think we need to be quite THAT technical here on H-CAF. We should feel free to provide ANY kind of information...regardless of the proficiency of "discourse analysis in relation to power construction of 'truth'". :rolleyes:

You were were skeptical if not outright hostile about the link, and were asked to debunk anything stated...and we so far have zero debunking happening.

However...we DO have some discussion on the quality and quantity of our knowledge and adeptness with "discourse analysis in relation to powers and constructions of "truth". :rolleyes:

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Why should we have to do your homework for you? The fact that you're relying on a GOOGLE VIDEO produced by Alex Jones should be enough to set off even the most low-sensitivity bull{censored} detector.


If it doesn't, then anything I post isn't going to be good enough for you and we'll just end up talking past each other. I have no desire for that.


As I suggested before, do some reading on discourse analysis in relation to power and construction of 'truth.' That alone will be enough to show you why your source is fundamentally flawed.


Now, that's not to say that there are facts within the video. There has to be in order to maintain a level of believability. Jones' larger assumptions may also be correct, but just because someone says something is 'true' doesn't mean it is. Everything is made with some kind of agenda or bias. What is Jones' agenda?

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