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jumping channels on a super reverb.

lordz of karma

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hello, newbie to the forum here, i recently got a 66 fender super reverb reissue amp with a broken volume knob on the second channel(reverb vibrato), it is stuck on five, which is far to loud for me,i don't have the mony to get it fixed for awhile so i'm wondering if i can jump the first channel to the second one and control the volume with the first channels volume knob and still get the reverb,thanks for any help.

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i would love to get it fixed, but money is tight, so i pulled my trusty u.s. tele out and jumped the channels,no volume control but lots of wierd boxy sound and still loud, spartacus41, you did answer my question,turning down the volume knob worked perfectly, thank you, and i think i just learned a good lesson,cheers for the help gentlemen!

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