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Head and Cabinet Question - Vintage Amp


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Im about to procure a 67' Vibrolux which was converted to a head unit. Everything is stock with the exception of upgraded electrolytics and tubes.


Some background and a couple of questions.


Primarily this amp is going to be used at home for practice, low volume jamming and also some small club gigging. I want the obvious clean sparkly tones from the Vibrolux name but I also want to be able to dial in some tube crunch. I have an Ibanez TS-9 w/ Robert Keely Mod Plus for this. My style is primarily a loose fusion of blues/jazz and a lot of folk/country.




What cabinet configuration is recommended? 1x15, 1x12, 2x10, 2x12?


What speakers do you recommended in any of the above configurations?


I want to make sure all the impedances match, so what #'s am I looking for in terms of speaker RMS and ohms? I think the amp is 30 or 35 watts?


I want to keep the stack looking tasty and blackface, so where can I get a blackfaced cabinet to match the head?


Thanks guys!



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For the purists out there; I'm probably flagelating myself asking this question but do you think I'm going to lose any of that Vibrolux charm by running this as a head unit + cab?

Should I put it back in an original style combo cab?

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