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Any Advantage to a 2x12 for bedroom playing and recording w/ 5w head?


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I'm torn between a 2x12 or a 1x12 for the 5w head I am going to buy.


I will hardly ever be cranking the head, but I am still having a hard time selling my self on a 1x12 cabinet. I know 1x12 is the sensible way to go. I'm really not going to crank it much louder than a vacuum cleaner. But the 2x12 cabinet seems better for some reason, but i cant name the reason.


Either way I go, the cabinet will have vintage 30(s).


Is there anything I am not thinking of?

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2x12 cabs are good. You can run them in stereo if you want, when you want. They work well onstage too so are adaptable for lots of situations. Plus if you get another 2x12 just stack it on top of another 2x12 and you got a 4x12.

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Resale value because of multiple uses. Fuller sound. Mixed speaker possibilities? More to choose from? Could gig out with it later. A million reasons come to mind.



I have 2x12 Gflex cabs at home and at practice because of their versatility. I use my 2x12s for practice at home, with the band, for gigs, and in the studio. I use my 100 watt head for practice and gigs. I use my 5 watt head at home and in the studio.

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