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2 chords - 3 verses - no changes


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I play a song that my friend wrote most of. I wrote the bass part. It is TWO chords with no changes and I think it stands. It has 7500 views on youtube and gets consistently good comments.

Some songs call for simplicity imho.



What are you doing here?...you should be playing that on Letterman!!...or wherever ...maybe the AMA's....Outstanding...great name too!!...Sorry to the original poster. That works too...

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I play a song that my friend wrote most of. I wrote the bass part. It is TWO chords with no changes and I think it stands. It has 7500 views on youtube and gets consistently good comments.

Some songs call for simplicity imho.



Don't wanna try to hijack this guys thread, but that songs awesome! Great talent.



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Don't wanna try to hijack this guys thread, but that songs awesome! Great talent.



Ditto that.


As someone who did scores of live loop shows in the early 90s (more ambient electronica, and all improv), I have to say I'm impressed by some of the live loopers today. Paul's performance is very nicely done. But, Paul, can you work other parts into your performances? You don't need it on "Walking Alone" -- but I found when experimenting with songs that, if you do song after song with no change-up, things get a little claustro. And I actually bought another echo box so I could cut back and forth between my two. But the technology was so limited then... now we have pedals where you can cut back and forth smoothly... heck, I guess you could practically do a little mini-suite with some of the new loop pedals and boxes. But -- ultimately -- it all comes down to the music.



To the OP, if the song works, it works.

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I play a song that my friend wrote most of. I wrote the bass part. It is TWO chords with no changes and I think it stands. It has 7500 views on youtube and gets consistently good comments.

Some songs call for simplicity imho.



this is really catchy, thats awesome. very talented. I think some of the best songs are simplistic. Brand New- Jesus Christ is an amazing song and only has one backtrack that goes throughout the entire 4 1/2 minutes and a little "solo" catchy riff every couple verses. The words/patterns usually make the song

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