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Is $850 a fair price to sell my Mesa Single Rec?


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So I haven't used the amp in about three years and my friend really wants to buy it. I'm not strapped for cash but then again I don't know if I'll ever use it despite another friend of mine talking about really wanting to start our band back up. I figure if I do sell it I can always buy a nice Traynor or Spider Valve for around $600 used if we actually get the band back in full gear. I dunno though.... what do you guys think?

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part of me hates to part with it because it was my first (and only) really nice amp. i figure i could sell it for $850 and stick the cash back and if the band gets going I could buy something else. while i do really like the mesa i think there might be something i'm a little more into. i never got to try an OD with my single rectifier but I really think it would have tightened it up and made it sound better. the mesa always sounded kind of loose and.... errr fizzy perhaps?

ive watched clips of laneys and traynor amps and they seem pretty cool. i wouldnt mind get a nice 2x12 that is versatile and can handle good rock tones (think foo fighters). any suggestions?

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bump. i'm looking at maybe selling this today for $850. i think i would like to have a nice 2x12 combo amp for gigging. i want something that is versatile. descent cleans and tight distortion (think foo fighters). i might even go as far as getting a new head though because i still have the mesa 4x12...

suggestions please! how are traynor amps? i saw some vids on youtube and they seem pretty sweet.

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