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New to the forum? Here's a song to welcome you, properly


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Um... might be a problem for people who don't want to hear about middle-aged guys 'touching their testicles.'


Mind you, I got a few chuckles, but it would be problematic for this forum, which is intended for comfortable use by those of many sensibilities and so must maintain a more or less SAFE FOR OFFICE stance.


(That said, there are great latitudes of freedom of speech with regard to the content of songs -- as long as people are warned of sexually provocative, violent, or other disturbing content out in front so they don't have to be subjected to it if they don't want to be.)



You might have better luck at getting it adopted in someplace like Open Jam, I suspect. ;)



[PS... it felt a little long, as songs go but I enjoyed the sort of Floydian pinkness of it all. :) ]

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I'm sure I'm 31. Is that middle aged? Maybe.



Don't age me out, Blue! Don't age me out! I can be retarded at any age, and I'm sure not feeling like I'm done yet.


Don't age me out, man.




see you guys on the other side.:D

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ah yeah ... not funny, not cool ... kind of frat house dumb, though ... if you're drunk ...

which, sadly, i am not

but i LOVE your helmet thing



A: You may need to loosen up. I'm an idiot and comfortable with that. I don't intend to be considered an artist because of this piece.


B: My helmet is the top of an el84 vaccuum tube. They were most widely known for being used in Vox's AC30 electric guitar amplifiers. They also look a bit like a jimmy hat, with a reservoir tip.

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A: You may need to loosen up. I'm an idiot and comfortable with that.



i am loosened up. doesn't make you any less of an idiot.



I don't intend to be considered an artist because of this piece.



very realistic of you



B: My helmet is the top of an el84 vaccuum tube. They were most widely known for being used in Vox's AC30 electric guitar amplifiers. They also look a bit like a jimmy hat, with a reservoir tip.



i am not worthy

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Really? What makes you feel like it's acceptable for you to address me in this manner? I didn't crap in your cereal, did I?


I write a bunch of retarded songs. I have tried to analyze why I find it difficult to write words from the heart, but Gave up on that. I actually didn't write songs for a while because I couldn't come up with serious stuff. Now, I don't give a {censored}. I'll write about whatever the {censored} I want. I honestly don't give a {censored}. I love constructing songs and I do it a whole lot, and I've really improved over the past year.


I write songs. I post them here sometimes. They are generally totally stupid. But you already knew all of that, so why even bother listening in the first place? Lighten up.

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