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Nice acoustic guitar sound. I think you may have mis-transcribed the lyrics, though... but we always appreciate that edgy borderline stuff being toned down for the PG audience here.



As I always say: brevity is.

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LOL! I was PISSED! How DARE they call me from work while I'm working "in my studio?" trying to lay down a guitar track?? I got it in, but it has to be replaced... This is how it goes;


1. write it on guitar


2. lay down a scratch on guitar


3. play a midi synced instrument (piano) and listen to the guitar. Ok, it doesn't suck too bad.


4. play another midi synced instrument (drums) and listen to the guitar. Ok the guitar sucks and must be re-recorded... So when I finish the drums, I'll re-do the guitar (acoustic). Then it's percussion, bass, brass, and vocals... Hopefully the vocals won't include the phrase "DAMIT!" LOL!


Anyone familiar with mojo horns? That's going to be the horn section on my tune, which is quite horny? :-) mojo ROX!!



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