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Flying On New Wings - a dittly in 5/4


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I just got back into town from a fabulous float trip on the Buffalo River in Arkansas or I would have posted sooner. I want to thank you all for the nice comments on my song and tell you how much I enjoyed listening to your songs. To Rockinrobby, you do clean up well for work, and you seem to have a Don Henley type of voice on "For A Dancer". Very well done. David, I noticed that you are into a similar vibe that I'm into. Finish those songs and put some polish on them, and they'll be terrific. Oswlek, I appreciate that you got what I was going for. Thank you all.

The best,


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This is cool stuff man. The only thing I might change a bit is some of the panning choices, but that's probably just a taste thing...for example, take the delay on the lead guitar part and pan the delay to the left while keeping the main guitar over to the right (although perhaps not hard-panned). Then again, I'm listening on headphones, so maybe it all sits together better through regular speakers. I agree with Oswlek about the "We are the new day" parts...sounds great!

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I finally made it back... :D


I don't normally give extended comment on lyrics unless they're posted (too easy to get them wrong; faster to parse them out when they're laid out in black and white). But nothing bad or distracting jumped out.


Probably central, this ends up having a nice, almost hypnotic groove (pretty hypnotic in the end reps). The vocal feel works well. What lyrics I can make out seem evocative without appearing to hem things in too much. The 60s soul-rock style heavily sustained guitar finally seems to ingratiate itself, though I wasn't so sure about it early on.


Overall I think this groove works quite well. It doesn't have the segmented build/release of a song with heavily differentiated verse and chorus, but that can get old. We get so used to the convention of the spare verse and overbuilt chorus... sometimes a nice little forward momentum groove is a nice change.

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