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Please let me know what you think of a new tune i recorded. thanks!

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Read the rules thread before posting, breaux. Go back to GJ you dirty hippie.:lol:


I don't really know what to criticize about this one. Kind of reminds me of Transmissions from the Satellite Heart-era Flaming Lips. I like all your stuff, man. I guess the only thing to work on would be your drum programming, like has been discussed over at GJ in some of your other song threads. Right now, it certainly doesn't detract from the songs, but it doesn't add much. I couldn't make out all the words; could you post them?

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works for me mate - had no problem hearing the lyrics and drums weren't bothering me either


what i would say is if you are going to just keep the melody the same throughout "wont run the black etc" then maybe do a little more with the instrumentation as it progresses it just falls a little flat... i like it in the first time through but once ive heard that ive pretty much heard the whole song... maybe chnage up the drum neat later on or add just something to catch the ear and distract a little


nice though

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thanks guys! (and gals)

I guess I must have been expecting metal or some hardcore spin off because of the title and the graphic. So much for expectations. ;)


Must be my old ears not able to peel out the lyrics as well, but I missed some of these, so I'll fall back on my standard practice of not giving extended comment on lyrics unless they're posted. They seem somewhat impressionistic, anyhow.


The restrained vocals and the equally restrained synth accompaniment (with its harp-like plucked string arpeggios) provide an interesting contrast to the bits and pieces that rose to me out of the lyrics... seems like the dynamic tension between the (apparent) topic and the no so much laid back as held back delivery is what fuels the tone of the song. There wasn't a huge amount of musical development but things did reach a peak and then fall back into the groove, a familiar arc that worked to provide some sense of emotional movement -- although, of course, that restrained quality seems an important part of the overall work.


It captures a vague, darkly resigned mood and maybe gives the listener a framework to hang his own feelings on. How much that works for listeners will largely depend on them. But I could see certainly see this working for some folks.



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Read the rules thread before posting, breaux. Go back to GJ you dirty hippie.

I don't really know what to criticize about this one. Kind of reminds me of
Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
-era Flaming Lips. I like all your stuff, man. I guess the only thing to work on would be your drum programming, like has been discussed over at GJ in some of your other song threads. Right now, it certainly doesn't detract from the songs, but it doesn't add much. I couldn't make out all the words; could you post them?

:D :D :D


Nah... contrary to rumors, we welcome our GJ brothers and sisters (y'all had a girl there, once, right? :D )


No question, though, that this is a work-oriented, rule-driven forum, very much in contrast to many other forums here at HC.


But the reason for the rules isn't an anti-fun mindset -- it's the desire to have a forum where members can discuss songwriting but, crucially, where they can get and give feedback on songs and musical compositions that they're actively working on.


We've all seen forums where there is post after post of people trying to get someone to listen to their music saying things like Let me know what you think! and no responses, just all these trees falling in the forest with no one to hear -- or comment. And, on those rare occasions when someone does post a comment it's something like, Dude, you rock! Check out my choons at... [actually no one seems to say choons anymore -- small favors]


Anyhow, you get the drift.


Tougher still, for some, may be the PG-13 content restriction (unless one posts a warning in the thread title about not safe for family or work content). But that's just because a number of people of different sensibilities and different ages post in this forum. We really do get young teenagers reading this forum -- because they're interested in songwriting. HC is open to people as young as 13. Would you want your 13 year old sister or daughter to read some of the stuff that goes on in some of the forums here? Probably not.


But we also try to give artists as much room as possible to legitimately discuss their creative efforts; if there is a proper content warning in the tread title, we'll bend over backwards to give artistic expression room to be discussed. (There are limits but we've had some pretty over the top stuff; those death and black metal guys can get pretty intense. You bet.)


But while we give broad latitude to creative discussions -- there is no room for insults, flame wars and other juvenilia. As moderator, I'm not at all afraid to lock a thread or even delete it if it's really of no redeeming merit.



So... you know, yes, we are a rules-driven, work oriented forum -- but it's all for a purpose, and the purpose is to make room for the central mission of this forum: discussion of songwriting and feedback/constructive criticism of works in progress.



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