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Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. Been popping in the SW forum and don't recall introducing myself. Back in 99 I picked up my guitar that has been in the closet for many years and told myself, why don't you try to write songs. I know a few chords, but I never once thought I'm really a guitar player. Well, anyway I started writing songs (again, I wrote lyrics to songs when I was 12 years old and I recall enjoying doing it) and got a feeling that songwriting was making me feel good about my attempt at playing the guitar, so I stuck with it. After writing nearly a small amount of songs I decided to take a look at them again and reliezed that some rewrite is what I should do. So I've been having all that I wrote over the years again played, and I notice that the emotions that were put into the songs haven't really changed much at all. I'm still rewriting, but it just seems to be a word or so that is being changed. Plus I think my guitar playing has improved a bit. I also ended up showing a song to a forumite and ask his opinion and could he do something with it. Well, it turned out the song was liked by him and he recorded a demo. That alone put a lot of sunshine in my life as " I think I'm a songwriter" feeling. I'll only say that maybe, the least I worried about my songwriting , the more I enjoyed writing lyrics to songs with a little guitar stumming in the background. Like a few songwriters out here who'd like to go commercial, I kind of feel I'm one of them too. I've recently ask a few musicans that I met on the net to take a look at my songs, although no finish product is done yet, I'll share them here with you when they get done for some feedback.


thanks for your time


junkyard bennie :)

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junkyard bennie meet Traveller777! :D



If you guys haven't figured it out by now from my busybody-ness, I'm the Songwriting Forum moderator (an unpaid position, I like to remind folks as often as possible :D ). I'm sure you guys have seen the Forum Rules/Guidelines sticky thread at the top of the listings but in addition to the basic rules of the joint -- which are mostly designed to keep out spammers and street teamers and to make life easier on me by giving me the tools to do it -- there are a also lot of valuable -- and probably some not-so-valuable ;) -- songwriters' resources listed there, as well.


Also, despite the generally work-oriented, on topic, no-promo rules there is one place that is pretty close to wide open and that is the Monthly Showcase Thread, in which you can post career news, blatant self-promo, links/lyrics/etc to albums, songs, gossip, and basically most of anything that's vaguely music/career/songwriting realted that isn't third party advertising or blatant spam, and that fits the PG-13 rule. (As long as you put an appropriate warning in the thread title, it is okay to post 'adult' lyrics, within reason. You still have to live within the broader Harmony Central Terms of Service, of course.)

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sure no problem

by the way, what type of songs do you like to write, like country/love rock/love/sad/crazy, heavy stuff/metal lyrics


Hmm you know im not sure currently, ive only tried writing one so far... Although im generally not a big fan of country or heavy metal. For awhile now though ive been listening/discovering the beatles songs/lennon songs. And I tend to like a lot of the 60's and 70's style, but also like songs that are released now aswell.


And yep blue2blue I had noticed your the mod around these parts. :)

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junkyard bennie meet Traveller777

If you guys haven't figured it out by now from my busybody-ness, I'm the Songwriting Forum moderator (an unpaid position, I like to remind folks as often as possible
). I'm sure you guys have seen the Forum Rules/Guidelines sticky thread at the top of the listings but in addition to the basic rules of the joint -- which are mostly designed to keep out spammers and street teamers and to make life easier on me by giving me the tools to do it -- there are a lot of valuable -- and probably some not-so-valuable
-- songwriters' resources listed there.



blue, what is a street teamer


by the way did I do something wrong :facepalm:

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a "street team" is a group of people who pretend to be fans of a product or person or band or whathaveyou, and they talk about it and enthuse about it as if they were real "fans" ... when in fact, they've got a financial interest in promoting the thing


and i'm pretty sure you didn't do anything wrong ... blue is pointing you in the direction of songwriting resources in case you're interested

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blue, what is a street teamer

by the way did I do something wrong

The wise and powerful Eclepto Funk is dead on the money!


You're fine! :)


Relax, put your feet up, hang out. ;)



I've got to tinker my style, I guess. Whenever I try to be friendly and inviting, people think I'm busting their chops! :D :D :D




PS... the labels and PR companies really like it when they can get their street teams to work for some sort of bizarre notion of 'reflected glory' -- and/or promo swag. Free T-shirts and such are often the pay-out at the low-end.


I believe the term came from the political street teams that the old fashioned political machines traditionally ran in big eastern and mid-western cities in the US. Those street teams were typically funded by what was known in some spheres as "walkin' around money." Basically "petty cash" handed out to people in various communities who claimed they could get voters to the polls. Sometimes one way or another. Even if they had to wake them out of a long-cold grave. Vote early, vote often. Being dead is no excuse! :D

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