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Biasing a Laney GH100L


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I'm about to buy new tubes for my laney, and might need a rebias....the thing is i don't know how to do it.


I know where the internal bias pot is...but don't know what/how to mesure and what things should be done. (I don't want to spend 200 on a bias rite)


I know how to discharge caps.




sorry for the noobness

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Well, the reason that the Bias Rite's are the price they are is because you really need something like that to bias it unless your Laney has some sort of test point somewhere. Did you look up schematics?


If I were you, I'd take it to a tech if you're not sure what you're doing. The last thing you want to do is do something bass-ackwards and fry your amp.

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