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Close to You


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Welcome, renip!


Haven't seen you around before, I don't think. Lemme pull out the house robot do the pro forma welcomes...


The HCSWF Robo-Greeter:



Text version:


First a big, friendly cut-n-paste welcome to the Songwriting Forum!


The basic mission of the forum is the discussion of the art and craft of songwriting and offering assistance with feedback and constructive criticism on works in progress. Of course, giving thoughtful comment requires some time and energy. You'll probably want to look at the Rules and Resources sticky thread for guidelines on getting the most out of the forum.


Like so much in life -- what you get out of it will likely depend on what you put in...


I hope you'll share your insight with others when they're looking for critiques -- it's a great way to let people get to know you. And the more that people know you as someone who is willing to help out, the more eager they'll be to help you when you're looking for some good ol' constructive crit.





moderator, songwriting forum



SW Forum Guidelines and Resources





And now, back to my normal, just like everyone else identity...



"Close to You" -- I don't normally give extended comment on lyrics unless they're posted somewhere and I can read them (I suffer from Mondegreen Syndrome, y'know? ;) ) but there were some fun bits, to be sure.


In fact, it is, overall a fun little song. The melody is ingratiating and dovetails nicely with the sunny mood of the lyric and the bouncy rhythm.



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Hey Blue,


Sorry for the lyric omission. I have added them. Thanks for the welcome. I have been here before and will be glad to share any information that I have with anyone who wants to listen. Please change old guy to old school guy:cool:

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Hmm...this song kinda reminds me of...like a sort of young 20s / late teens guy singing a quirky sort of humble love song with stars in his eyes (like that song, Teenage Dirtbag or whatever...something like that)


Your voice is interesting...I think I really like it!


I like the beat of the song too...a sort of jitter rhythm. High energy.

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