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Porting my new cab. How do I decide on location and size?


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I received a new Signature LopoLine cab and I installed two Fender Electric Lightnings and, paired with my Laboga, this thing sounds SWEET!


Here is a link to the unboxing: http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/gear-and-equipment/89742-my-custom-lopoline-2x12-is-coming.html


I noticed I don't get enough bass response and I wanted to fix this by porting the cab. Is there any way I can determine:

1. The number of ports I should make?

2. The size of the ports?

3. Where I should install the ports?

4. Where can I buy the ports that meet the above parameters?


Any information would be much appreciated - thanks! :thu:

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Porting your carb will only increase a single frequency.

If you absolutely must port it, then you must know which frequency you want amplified. It will only amplify a specific frequency ... say 40Hz... That along with the dimensions of the box will give you the radius and lenght of the port.

All this will do, is amplify that 40Hz frequency by 3dB. Along with that, you will lose some strenght at other frequencies... kind of a give / take.


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The location of the ports isn't all that important, nor really is the number of them, it's the diameter/length that's crucial. You will need the Thiele-Small parameters for your speakers in addition to knowing the dimensions of your cab. Then you'll need to choose the frequency you want the ports tuned to and make your calculations. There is free software out there that'll do this for you (I used one called "ajvented" once).

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