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I don't believe in love "Prequil..."


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My first song ever recorded on a DAW? Several years ago... I knew not of production? I knew not of techniques? I was a babe in the woods in many ways... I'm about to redo this "masterpiece..." And I'm interested in any feedback that may help?


It was already awesome? And will be awesome regardless? But I want to give people a chance to be part of the process? Since the tune is so awesome??? :-) The new version will be even better!!


It's currently at the top, www.reverbnation.com/rockinrobby


I don't believe in love... "I don't..."


This is the original version, I'm working on redoing it "properly..."


Edited, adding Lyrics. Blue won't comment on them without it. "THIS is why I would make a lousy couples counselor..."


I don't believe in love - Robby Robbins


He said love

It'll make ya do anything

for somebody

as he slowly slipped off the ring


I need love

But I don't want to hurt anymore

too many people

Too quick to walk out the door Ohhh


I don't believe in love no more

It's never there when I need...


Love finds you fallin for the floor

It cuts and laughs as you bleed...

It's all that I'll never need, yeah.



Is someone to have and to hold

I believe that love

is there for two to grow old

Oh but I, I can't stay with you anymore

she said I'm leavin...

And she turned and walked out the door




I don't believe in love no more

It's never there when I need...


Love finds you fallin for the floor

It cuts and laughs as you bleed...

It's all that I'll never need, yeah.




I don't believe in love no more

It's never there when I need...


Love finds you fallin for the floor

It cuts and laughs as you bleed...

It's all that I'll never need, yeah.

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Its got a great persistant melody that really gets in to you - good work


I know this place isnt about "production" as such but i think the song works.... id like to hear you use production on this in a more subtle way


Something akin to this




See what you think?

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I like it a lot. The melody is very catchy (found myself humming it without realizing a few minutes later. The solo works as do the keys.


I agree with Stick that the production was too apparent at times, for me it was the thickness of the vocals that stood out the most. Much better than anything I could have put together the first time I used a DAW, though!


The only problem I have is that this song jumps into my head every time I glance at your title. ;)



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Its got a great persistant melody that really gets in to you - good work

I know this place isnt about "production" as such but i think the song works.... id like to hear you use production on this in a more subtle way

Something akin to this

See what you think?



Yeah man, I over produce "everything..." :-) It's part of my style, can't help it.


I don't believe in love no more... Written after the ex left and took my 6 month old son :-( Hence the emotion... I believe in Karma? And I wouldn't stand next to her in an electrical storm if you know what I mean.

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Yeah, but you can't copyright a title? And I had never even heard the QR song, is my version in any way a rip off of theirs? Anybody can write a song called "I don't believe in love" or "Jonny B Goode?" The question is, what about the underlying structure, meaning? Was anything lifted from someone else? Or only the title? Which again I was unaware of, (A) and (B) you can't copyright a title? Or an idea for a song? You can only copyright either, (A) Lyrics? or (B) melody? Unless my understanding of the copyright law is unclear?


What about all of the people who have done songs in 1/4/5? Should they all be sued by the early black performers who created this style of music?

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OK I just listened to QR, I don't believe in love? And, I need to apologize to everyone? It's very clear when you hear their version? And then mine? That I lifted the entire song from QR...


:-( I'm so sorry, it was totally unintentional? Again, listen to the QR version, and then listen to the version I posted on my RN page?


Wow! When you listen to theirs and then mine? (back to back) It's like I put a microphone by the speaker when playing their song? And then simply posted it as my own? It's like an identical twin!!?? Amazing... I'm busted I guess :-(


I still don't know how it happened? It's AMAZING!! It's really the exact same song! Same key? Same chord progression? Same melody? Same structure all the way around, same words, same title, it's THE EXACT SAME SONG!! OH GOD FORGIVE ME PLEASE!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!

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:-) Yeah, you can't take (or shouldn't take) "riffs..." You definitely cannot take lyrics!! And you can't take a melody, which is a little harder? But the whole "He's so fine/My sweet Lord" showed that you can actually win one of those?


yeah, I agree actually, I don't believe in love is actually a pretty simple title to redo? I really had never heard the QR version?


Now had I done a song called "Tuesday's gone with the wind?" or "Jamaican Jerk Off?" Well those would be a little harder to accidentally use the same title :-)

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Sorry, I'm not sure if everyone is familiar with the copy right rules and regs, I guess more are here because it's actually a song writing forum, I should have accounted for that. Yeah there's probably a bunch by this name, I would imagine so anyway.


I just did a search, I got Dido, QR, and "The school", stabilo, Ashe, ZOX, (me of course), wow! I had no idea how many different people have done songs by the same name! QR is the most popular by far.


A lot of people I speak to don't understand that you can't copyright a title, or a chord progression, only a melody and lyrics. I'm sorry I forgot I was dealing with song writers :-(

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I'm assuming that "I don't believe in love" is your new one? I gave it a listen and really enjoyed it, you have a classic voice. Although I really enjoyed the full and complete sound that song had I think my favorite was "Take My Love". If it's still in the demo stage My CC would be to bring in bass and drums earlier, like after the first two measures. I think it could really reinforce the first theme. Also, when you exclaim, "you gotta take my love", I think a following harmony of "take my love, go on and take it" would work nicely. On a side note, it may just be my ear but the symphonic strings make the instrumental aspect of the song sound a little repetitive to me.



Yeah some of my stuff gets a little repetitive. It's like when they asked KC from the Sunshine band, "KC, why is much of your music so repetitive?" And he replied "cause that's the way uh huh uh huh I like it uh huh uh huh" :-)

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Thanks man... I'm still on the road, as are we all? I think this one was a pretty good place to start from. I'm looking forward to my "first" Instrumental... Started it tonight... When I'm done with it? I think you'll all agree? I put "mental" in Instrumental? You'll see...

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