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Alice In Chains: Black gives way to blue


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I've been listening to it a fair amount, which is a good sign. There really are some solid tunes on this record. I really like All Secrets Known, and I think that's my favourite track so far. I do agree, that sometimes it's hard to distinguish Duvall's voice.

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I downloaded it last night.. I liked one song on there that was pretty rockin (3rd one i think?) but overall, its kinda blah.. long songs and no real hooks to speak of. I absolutely love AIC, but I think thats why I'm not really that impressed with this one.. its just not AIC to me. It just doesn't have any impact like AIC's first few albums, everything in this one has been done before, but better.


I think I'd feel better about it if they had called the band something else.. kinda wouldn't have had the same expectations. I know, I know.. Layne isn't on this one obviously, but this would be like Pantera coming out with a new album with Zakk Wylde on guitar. Yeah, he's good, but it aint "Pantera", so you'll be disappointed. I think thats where I'm at

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so far im on my 2nd listen and i think its pretty good, honestly i didnt wanna accept AIC without layne and it was hard for me but i finally gave in, im glad i did because theres some good songs on the album. it isnt the same without layne and those songs he sang on really are some of my favorite music ever and have a special place for me, theres a side of me that wished they didnt make anymore music and then theres the side of me that is listening to these songs and im thinking they are solid and theres too much talent to let go to waste, im also kinda sad im hearing this and its not layne. AIC has meant alot to me since 1991.



very well put Tom, i feel the same way. Facelift and Dirt were albums that shaped my entire existence so to hear this new reincarnation is hard to accept. I dont have the album but heard the leaked songs, i thought they were very weak in the vocal dept. Duvall isnt even a lead singer, he is a harmonizer on those tracks. Im still going to buy the album just for the guitar tone and sludge riffs, but nothing they do will have the same effect on me that those early albums did just because of the way it impacted my life back then. Layne was really amazing.

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very well put Tom, i feel the same way. Facelift and Dirt were albums that shaped my entire existence so to hear this new reincarnation is hard to accept. I dont have the album but heard the leaked songs, i thought they were very weak in the vocal dept. Duvall isnt even a lead singer, he is a harmonizer on those tracks. Im still going to buy the album just for the guitar tone and sludge riffs, but nothing they do will have the same effect on me that those early albums did just because of the way it impacted my life back then. Layne was really amazing.



Its cool that someone else has some emotional ties the these songs, i can think of some many good and bad times listening to these songs. not only that but when layne died i was sad for awhile and when i hear this new music it makes me sad hes not here signing these songs, its just not the same when i hear somebody else sing we die young or bleed the freak.


im glad i finally brokedown and gave the new songs a chance, i have listened to them all about 10xs now and they are great. im glad jerry sings on alot of them and as much as he did, it still make it sound like alice in chains. if he didnt have as much vocals it might not sound like them if ya know what i mean. its good to keep the formula in tact and ease everybody back in and then maybe jerry can scale things back a little on the next album.

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