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A song about nothing..


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Hi forum,

I decided to post these lyrics after I got a demo down for this last night. The recording is a bit rough to put up on my Soundcloud page so maybe I can attach an mp3 to this thread? I'll see if I can get it up anyway.


Here are the lyrics for your consideration/feedback. Many thanks in advance for your replies!



Say I lost the race

Say I lost these shoes

Say I lost the rags from off my back

Say that I lost you


What would I do?


Say that there's no emptiness

Say that there's no joy

No starry night above our heads

Or hell to keep us warm


What would we do?


You know it's easy count for nothin

And want for little more

When the thieves are pleading 'mercy!'

Then you'll know who owns the floor

So you can sit there saying nothing

And let them walk right out your door

Cause it's easy count for nothing....


So say you had it your way

And say I had it mine

Nothing left us but our freedom

Pushing blind against the time


What would you do?


What would you do?

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If you want comment, you would be better off providing a link to Soundcloud, as most folk here are loathe to download mp3's on to their hard-drives.


I''m finding the lyrics without music have put another very well-known tune into my head. But I won't say more until I hear your music, as hopefully it will over-ride the similarities.

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If you want comment, you would be better off providing a link to Soundcloud, as most folk here are loathe to download mp3's on to their hard-drives.

I''m finding the lyrics without music have put another very well-known tune into my head. But I won't say more until I hear your music, as hopefully it will over-ride the similarities.


Yes, the lyrics were partly inspired by a well known tune and seeing them written down here, it's pretty obvious :) The tune and song idea came first tho.


With a busted USB stick and a busted CDrom drive in this laptop, I can't see how I'm gonna get the demo from the Mac to the internet tonight tho :arg::lol:


I'll upload from CD at a cafe or sth tomorrow..

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I know that song!


Sorry. Couldn't resist. :D


Of course, I am pretty certain I know the song I suspect you guys both refer to -- but I think that could work if the music pushes off from it in a clever way. Normally, I'm wary of clever... but horses for courses. I think this song begs wry acknowledgement of its (presumably) most obvious inspiration. Now, I think that does not mean a slavish attempt to echo or play off that song but maybe more some more subtle acknowledgment -- and perhaps a very different approach overall. After all, while there are parallels, the lyrics seem to have a different focus.


If you can get your mp3 version down below 2 MB, I think you might be able to upload it to the BB's attachment storage -- but I think the cut is 2 MB, give or take. With a three minute song, that means a bitrate of 96kbps or maybe less. What you could do is make it mono (which might not even be possible with some systems).


That said, if it's a bit rough to have on your SC page -- where you can delete it -- you might want to think twice about uploading it here, where I'm not sure you can delete it.


I guess I should test all these assumptions. Thing is, I think I did, when the new BB version came online and I decided it was going to be of minimal use for uploading media files -- but can't remember the details of why I decided that -- unless they are as above, ~2 MB limit and no ability to delete once uploaded.



If I didn't have my own server space on my website, I'd have probably set up a 'ghost' SoundCloud or other page under a bogus name just for putting up provisional versions/mixes of stuff... sure, maybe someone idly searching could stumble on it, but it wouldn't be your fans -- or at least they wouldn't know it was you.

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Is it really that obvious?


Of course it is!


Well, the 1st verse came to me all at once, after I came up with the chord progression. I realised that it was a little like that other song, lyrically, and decided to do my own, updated take on it, lyrically, i.e. not so happy clappy and, um, 'spiritual', a different direction that has a bit more edge, hopefully. Not to denigrate that song, it's one of the greats, by one of the greats. Like I could write that!!

Actually, the 2nd quatrain is really the only part of the song that relates/compares to that other song, and I was aware of this as I wrote it. But I suppose everyone can have their own interpretation.


Musically, it's completely different, and is meant to be.


I'll stick it up on Soundcloud tomorrow. It's not like anyone else ever checks out my page anyway :lol: And like you say Blue, I can easily delete it.

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I have no idea what song you guys are referring to. I can think of a few songs it might vaguely evoke, but nothing obvious.


I actually couldn't believe that the reference was spotted so quickly! So much for thinking I was clever :lol:


It's a well known song by a very famous, dead, member of one of the original supergroups. Actually it's probably one of the keys to his canon, so to speak.


My song is better, obviously. Well, it will be until I listen back to it in the cold light of day tomorrow :cry:

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I actually couldn't believe that the reference was spotted so quickly! So much for thinking I was clever

It's a well known song by a very famous, dead, member of one of the original supergroups. Actually it's probably one of the keys to his canon, so to speak.

My song is better, obviously. Well, it will be until I listen back to it in the cold light of day tomorrow


Actually, after reading it a few times...I think I know which one you mean...there are a few lines that could be clues to the song's original inspiration, namely the starry night/hell line is a bit remiscent of something else--but take the lines in question out, and it really isn't that obvious. I would have trouble singing your lyrics over that tune. If that is indeed the tune you are speaking of. Which it might not be.:idk:

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Actually, after reading it a few times...I think I know which one you mean...there are a few lines that could be clues to the song's original inspiration, namely the starry night/hell line is a bit remiscent of something else--but take the lines in question out, and it really isn't that obvious. I would have trouble singing your lyrics over that tune. If that
indeed the tune you are speaking of. Which it might not be.


Yes, the tune is completely different. It's a different song, period. As Blue2Blue pointed out earlier, it has some parallels but a different focus. Not to say that some of my inspiration didn't come from that song. It's just that I'm saying something else. Or trying to anyway!

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