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"LOUD" idle hum from Valveking Head.....


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Ques. here... Is this the "norm" on the Peavey Valveking Head, or is it just bad recording on all the YouTube videos that Demo this amp? You can even hear it when the guys are playing on the clean channel.

My situation is I picked up a Blackstar HT5 mini stack, after playing for a day, feel it's really not right for me vollume wise and clean,....so taking it back and really need to stick with a budget of $500 - $600.

So was watching video demos of this head and although sounds good enough for my tastes, I'm hearing "idle Hum" that is really loud and annoying.

Experiences you'd like to share????

My other choice is a used Mesa F-50 head ( have'nt played it - so, don't know condition) but, if I chose that, I'd have to dicker the price down a little as they're askin' $725. I've got $525 to play with right now and that means waiting a moth to save up the balance....and would be amp-less until then.

Any thoughts on how I should choose?


P.S Either of these heads would be running into a 212 cab loaded with Celestion V30's.

Thnx everyone, and really respect everyones opinions on here since joining....Itake it all with a grain of salt, too...LOL!

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If you liked the HT-5, but need more volume and cleans check out the Egnater Rebel 20. I just bought one from a forumite and it kicks arse. Very aggressive Marshally sort of vibe to it. Plus if you use both the EL-84s and 6V6s at the same time it puts out closer to 30 watts which easily keep up with a drummer.


I have the HT-5, and while it's a nice little amp the Rebel 20 seems more like a "real amp" to me... I can't help but think of the HT-5 as a toy. It just seems to lack some of the warmth and articulation that I get from my other tube amps.

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Blues, Classic rock and some 80's metal hair bands. Keep in mind here that I need to stick with what GC has to offer as this is on a gear card with stuff I traded in , maybe not the best move I did , but gonna live with it and make the best of it....

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You know that's an option...I tried one about 8mos. back at a GC ( not with my cab ) and wasn't real impressed, maybe it was the stock cab that they had it hooked up to. I'm bringing my cab with me this time....

The Egnater is one channel and that is a con with me but I do have an array of pedals if I just left it on clean....would have to purchase a reverb pedal in the future, as I do love reverb when playing Blues.

Wonder how a Big muff and Metal zone would sound through the Egnater??


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You know that's an option...I tried one about 8mos. back at a GC ( not with my cab ) and wasn't real impressed, maybe it was the stock cab that they had it hooked up to. I'm bringing my cab with me this time....

The Egnater is one channel and that is a con with me but I do have an array of pedals if I just left it on clean....would have to purchase a reverb pedal in the future, as I do love reverb when playing Blues.

Wonder how a Big muff and Metal zone would sound through the Egnater??




Another option would be to A/B switch two amps... assuming you have another amp that would do cleans well.


I agree, the one channel concept kinda sucks, but the tone makes up for it IMO.


From my experience dist pedals usually suck through clean channels... Unless your mainly doing cleans and you need distortion for solos or leads here and there it would work though. But pedals as a main source of dirt usually sucks.

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This would be my main and only amp, by the by....I'm not skilled enough playing wise to justify $ out on two amps....

I had a night train for 2 days and although it was loud enough, it did not take my pedals well and could not STAND the channel "POP" I experienced when switching between the bright and dark switch.

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Ok, looking at the features of the Rebel, I see on the back it accepts 4, 8 and 16 ohm hook-up. Other than my 8ohm cab I currently have...I was tossing around the idea of making a 4ohm cab out of 2 Eminence Lynch V12's.

I have 1 laying around ( 8 ohms) not being used. Is there a significant vollume drop when you plug in a 4ohm 212????


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