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Song Feedback - A General Question


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(Blue if this is too off topic feel free to move it...)


I have a general songwriting question. But first some background:


1. I play music and write songs 'cause it's fun, and it sure beats building model ships in bottles. So, I have no dreams to be broken from not breaking into the music industry for real.


2. What I do crave is to get better with every song, and for that I crave feedback. I often get great feedback here and one other board I frequent, but...


and here's the question....


Does anyone know if the songwriting feedback from a service like TAXI is solid and valuable? Or is there another similar feedback service that is better?


(I'm not asking about their main mission - connecting commercial grade music with those who consume that. I've read on some threads about that , and if I am honest with myself I don't have a prayer for that. I'm just speaking about getting good solid feedback from entities who do that for a fee.)





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Like CM, I've never used them. Many folks I've talked to have subscribed for a year or two and said they found the service to not be a scam, to have offered some value in their generally brief mini-reviews (which are, indeed, as I understand it, subject to an additional fee and oriented to commercial placement, per their avowed mission of same). I don't know anyone in the 3D world who's had a placement or even a near miss, but seems like I've read one or two things online from folks who've placed or nearly placed songs through Taxi. Offhand, I don't know anyone personally who's subscribed for more than two years, although, of course, I'm sure many have. Hope springs eternal, eh?

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Yeh i tried Taxi for a year but never got any placements (i know this isnt your question)


Anyway, its a rather hefty joining fee....then a few more dollars per submission (they will only review your track upon submission)


The reviews are fine enough... a series of tick box criteria and a few personal comments but you WONT get the kind of feedback you get from this forum.... yes these people at taxi are "experts" (or so we are told...im sure they are) BUT they certainly wont give you specific advice.... lyric suggestions.... chordal ideas..... its more like "needs to be more commercial" "needs a bridge" "needs a lift"


Id say , if youre not trying to break into the sync market, then stay well clear and save your money..... if you are mega rich and just fancy a look then go for it

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Stick, Blue and Chicken - THANK YOU! Your insights have cleared up a lot for me... and put some pieces together. Blue - that people don't tend to renew is pretty valuable to know, and the type and kind of feedback from you mention stick tells me all I need to know.


The feedback on this site especially has been insightful to the nth degree. I guess want more more more.... because I feel I have a huge gap to close.


Take care and happy strumming!



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