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Anyone use modeling amps? (Vypypr, Line 6, etc..)

C Fuzz

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I have a Vox VT30. It's okay. I thought it was the new series when I bought it, was sorely dissapointed when I realized it wasnt. Same look and everything but the new series (VTX30?) has double the amp sims, and one on there that I really liked.


Vox VTX series and Peavey Vypyr series (especially tube 60/120) are awesome.

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Seriously, the only thing that keeps me from getting a Vypyr is the ice-pick treble that I couldn't seem to dial out.
I hear there's a global EQ setting buried somewhere in it, but it's not intuitive enough to figure out without a manual.

Other than that, it sounds pretty great.


THIS. bad enough that my guitarist in my band is selling it cause after a month we still cant get a single good tone out of it.

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Aaaah... Gonna look into this. I really want one of those, if that's the case. I might just have to snag one.



There was a thread on it the other day. I can't quite remember the thread title but it had something to do with the new version...1.65 if memory serves (which it probably doesnt).

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I have the vypr 15. It sounds good but it's buggy. Does wierd random stuff and the problem with the 15 is there is no USB interface so I don't know how it's possible to update the firmware. I do plan on updating the speaker though. There's room to put a 10" in it.

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Regarding the update.


It is a firmware update, version 1.58. One of options installed with this update is a global EQ. Basically you can set it for high, med, or low. Not sure how you select these, I'm sure it is by holding down a certain combination of knobs while powering it on.


I have the 75 but have not done this latest update yet, too lazy. :bor:

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I have practiced and gigged with a Line6 HD147 for over 4 years.

So yes.



really? wow. I had one for about a month running it into an avatar cab with a v30/h30 combo in it, and I could NOT get that thing to open up and sound natural at all. No matter what I did, everything sounded incredibly processed and usually like there was a blanket over it.


I'm impressed if you got that thing to sound anything but that. How did you manage this?

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really? wow. I had one for about a month running it into an avatar cab with a v30/h30 combo in it, and I could NOT get that thing to open up and sound natural at all. No matter what I did, everything sounded incredibly processed and usually like there was a blanket over it.

I'm impressed if you got that thing to sound anything but that. How did you manage this?



First important part is the speakers - I run two old half-back mesa/boogie speakers. Half-back speakers with a "metal" amp may seem odd, but it works really well with this amp. I hated it it with the Line6 vetta cabs.


Second important part is the pickups. This amp is picky. It loves the Blaze Customs in my Universe, it hated the old PAF-7s in my K7, it does quite well with the new Painkillers.


Third important part is realizing that I hate 95% of the models.

Favorites are:

- big bottom with most of the bass dialed out for modern fast metal tones

- "Criminal" model for saturated fat high gain tones.

- The dual recto model with most of the bass dialed out for ultra-dry tones

- Dual recto model with a bit more bass for leads.

- The Line6 Grunge model for low to medium-gain tones (very responsive to guitar volume).

- Ultra-clean for, well, ultra clean.


It's a "pretty good" amp in my opinion, and certainly at today's prices. It does not deliver THAT many good tones, and maybe one or two GREAT tones. Most of the high gain stuff can be dialed in to sound very alike.

You can't do half of the good stuff without digging through the manual and checking out the MIDI implementation, e.g. access to extra reverb models, using the built-in wah, putting volume before or after gain, putting certain fx before or after gain...

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Seriously, the only thing that keeps me from getting a Vypyr is the ice-pick treble that I couldn't seem to dial out. I hear there's a global EQ setting buried somewhere in it, but it's not intuitive enough to figure out without a manual.

Other than that, it sounds pretty great.


If you have the 1.58 firmware, you hold down preset #2 while turning the amp on to get the "darker" setting.

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