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Death Metal fans!! (Yes, real death metal)

LOLmaster Flash

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I need your help. Am I on the right track to writing stuff with the right feel? I use ezdrummer and guitarport with the metal pack. I just got studio monitors so critique my mix!!! I'm really excited to get this project off the ground.


Listen to this, I'll listen to yours.






: )

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Sounds real good man :)

Just raise the guitars. Also, are you quad tracking the guitars? Do you use POD Farm or Gear box? I got good results using the dual amp mode. Running the 5150 (Crimminal) and the Mesa Triple Recto, with Tube screamers. Record one guitar track, panned the 5150 hard left and the Mesa left about 80-85%. Then do the second guitar track and pan the MESA 100% to the RIGHT and the 5150 80-85% to the right. Works well :) Gives different tones but still a similar overall guitar sound. Very thick sounding.

Which snare are you using in EZDrummer? I use the Sonor 2 snare and it sounds good. Sounds like you're using the Pearl one. It's a bit too tinny for my liking.

I really like the song :) can;t wait to hear the finished product!

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