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Brand of guitar affects brand of Amps?


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Just shut the {censored} up you noob you got no idea what you're talking about.



First) Include the phrase "shutup" in some variation
Second) Insult, use words like "noob" or "idiot"
Finally) Claim he has no idea what he is talking about, without giving futher evidence.

Nice :thu:

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I would agree with this as well, but to only call Hetfield a "hard rock" guitarist would be even more gross an error. Metallica may have changed entirely, as has their rigs, but not now nor have they EVER (since their budget could afford) preferred only one type of amp. Have you ever seen all the stuff they play live with, not to mention what they record with?



We are not talking about gear anymore.

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You think putting your argument in some "8 sentence paragraph" form is going to make you look smarter?

Your argument is wrong.

What if Death Metal band Dethklok released a Contry/Blues album? That would cause people to think that Dethklok is now a Country/Blues band.

The same thing happened when Metallica released Load. They were on a run of releasing thrash/heavy oriented stuff, but then suddenly switched to that "old kind of rock and roll" (cause you know it just soothes the soul), causing people to now categorize Metallica as a "Hard Rock" band.

Face it, your argument is invalid.

And I apoligized for my original post, so don't even bring that up. This argument is now about what genre of music Metallica is, son.

I was unaware that anyone other than you categorized Metallica as hard rock. I would agree that their sound definitely has evolved and is not so much metal, even starting with load, but YOUR original argument was stated in a way as to assume that they could clearly be categorized as a hard rock band, which is also erroneous.

And no, this argument is not about what genre of music they are. clearly they are not metal in the same sense that they used to be. rather, this argument is about the attempts to categorize musicians and styles of music with their equipment. While I will agree that certain brands are more conducive to particular genres, trying to categorize them as such, especially between amplifiers as similar as Mesa/Marshall/Randall/Engl is rather pointless. While they may all have different characteristics and certainly be much different within particulars, they are still all "hi-gain" amplifiers conducive to heavier sounds, including classic, hard rock, and metal.

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why do you guys like a genre based off of Techo and Electronica, but played much faster so much? God, if I knew it was such a popular genre I wouldnt have left my previous band...


Seriously, I don't know if maybe you guys got the impression it was something my band made up or something... but its a real genre:


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I'm amazed these trolls are as successful as they are



I'm not trying to succeed in anything.


IN FACT, if you go to the first page, in one of my posts, I wanted to end the thread, I said, quote,


" /thread "


People just think I am a troll because thats the first thing they resort to calling people on the internet because they aren't comprehensive and understanding enough to come up with a reasonable argument.

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