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New underground rapper, what's your opinion?


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Hey 420ven, glad to see you finally made it here after your sign up issues. But please take a look at the forum's Guidelines/Resources sticky thread (or at least the first post) to see how things work.


WELCOME to the SW FORUM / Guidelines / Resources :: :: :: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING


For now, I'm going to move this to the Monthly Showcase thread. But feel free to start a thread in the main forum if you're looking for feedback on a work in progress. :thu:

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No problem, 420ven! :)


It takes a while to get used to the on-topic only, work-in-progress* oriented, no-promo** nature of the forum. But we're definitely glad to have you with us.


(We'll just 'close' this thread to be fair to others who have suffered the same fate. ;) )




* A work-in-progress as we define it here is any songwriting that you're currently working on. If you're not sure a work is finished, that's close enough. It's kind of 'honor system' -- but if we didn't have some sort of restriction, as I'm sure you can imagine, we would soon be swamped with promo, making it hard to find who is actually in the process of working on something out of the folks who (naturally enough) are simply eager for someone to listen to their music. (Which, sadly, is outside the scope of the main forum. But, hey, that's what the Monthly Showcase threads are for. ;) )


**Self-promotion is allowed in the Monthly Showcase threads as well as the sticky, "Post your Mp3s here" thread at the top of the forum.



PS... While we try to have the most complete freedom-of-speech possible for the works, we do request that songs/lyrics that have 'off-color language,' adult oriented or disturbing content note that in the thread title. Just add EXPLICIT, NSFW, or ADULT to the thread title. (People of all cultures, religions, and those aged 13 and up are allowed to read and post here, so we want to let people know what's coming at them. :) )



PPS... I snuck a listen to the "Venting" track. It had a nice, laid back vibe. I didn't really follow all the words but I liked the feel. (There's no requirement to post your lyrics with your tracks for critique/feedback, but many of us find that's helpful when trying to get a grip on a song they're giving feedback on.)

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