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A bit old, but might as well post


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Not sure if I should post this in the showcase thread or the sticky instead of making a new one, so I apologize in advance if I'm not doing this right.


I made this for an English class project about King Lear about a month ago. In other words, it was a cop out because I didn't want to write an essay. I meant to make one track per character for four characters, but I only had time to work on the Fool and Cordelia and I just stuck them together on one track (they're similar characters, apparently).


Listen: http://tindeck.com/listen/ygss


I guess you could say it starts with a fugato, but it sounds more cabaret than baroque. Then, I shamelessly borrow the middle section from Miasma's

. And finally, a reprise of the "fugato" at a slower pace, in half-time, and without the swing feel. Not meant for a band, just as electronic music.


Criticism is appreciated, but I probably won't change this.

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Hi, Canvas!


While the forum guidelines do request reserving starting threads for works in progress, I think something you wrote only a month ago -- and might want to improve based on critique or suggestions -- is within that. Basically, the rule is just to get the message across that this forum is about improving song craft (and not ginning up more listens :D ). [i'm the mod in this forum, so it falls on me to be the designated officious stick-in-the-mud here. ;) ]


This is, by a stretch, one of the more interesting pieces I've heard around here in a while. Frankly, its postmodernism is aggressive enough that it's a bit hard to figure out the right angle of approach for critique, mixing rock elements with reinvented court dances. Divorced from presumed context, it's a little hard to say how well this might work in such a context, but it's certainly provocative and a refreshing change.



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Thanks! I got a 95% so I would say it definitely worked "in context", and by that I mean to say my teacher probably didn't know how to deal with it either.

It's strange, this only took me around two weeks to finish, but I've got pieces that I've been working on for ages and which I can't seem to continue.:confused:

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