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Fender Super Sonic amps


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I have one and love it. Killer cleans and reverb. The Burn channel is extremely versatile but even more so with an EQ in the loop. Does everything from Jazz to Metal (with the EQ). Super loud for a 1x12.


There are a couple of annoyances I have though. First, the volume on the clean side goes from nothing to blow your face off before 3. Same with the reverb. Theres a mod and I've got the pots but haven't gotten around to doing it yet. Also the Vibrolux channel can be a bit too trebly for me but that's just my preference, I'm sure some people love it.


The Bassman channel is just badass all the way around. My Tele w/ Duncan APII's kills through it. I just wish I could do it justice with my playing.


I traded a Mesa Rectoverb Combo for it and haven't looked back once. Very happy and I think it'll be around a good long time, if not forever.

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I have one. I've been a dyed-in-the-wool Fender fan since I started playing over 35 years ago, so I'm biased toward Fender amps (and have owned much of their amp product line at one time or another).


I think of it as a very good, but not quite great amp, much as I did the Hot Rod Deluxe I bought when they were first introduced in the late 90's.


My main complaint is that I think the Vibrolux voicing isn't what it could be (the other voicing is Bassman). I don't really understand why Fender even picked the Vibrolux for the second voicing. I'd have much preferred either the Twin Reverb or Deluxe Reverb as the complement to the Bassman. As it is, the amp does a very good job of copping the Bassman sound, but to my ears the Vibrolux sound is a tad - and I stress, just a tad - thin and lifeless. I can tweak it to get a decent sound, but I end up using the Bassman setting way more often, even though that's one of my less favorite Fender amps (just a preference thing; the Bassman is a fantastic amp, but I lean toward the Twin/Deluxe/Super sound).


The gain (Burn) channel is very good IMO; significantly better than gain channels on the HR series or the Prosonic. It's kind of disappointing, because Fender seems to have gotten the whole thing right except for the Vibrolux voicing (and here I'm not referring to the selection of the Vibrolux but the quality of the voicing - they didn't quite nail it).


When I play out, I alternate between the SuperSonic, and a setup where I use a Lehle pedal to switch between my Blues, Jr. and Egnater Rebel 20. The SuperSonic is easier to lug.

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The gain (Burn) channel is very good IMO; significantly better than gain channels on the HR series or the Prosonic.



i've owned both, and i think the opposite is true... maybe my prosonic was magical or something, but my supersonic wasn't even in the same league.

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My main complaint is that I think the Vibrolux voicing isn't what it could be (the other voicing is Bassman). I don't really understand why Fender even picked the Vibrolux for the second voicing.



I guess they were aiming for the Mark Knopfler sound.

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My favorite sound on the Super Sonic is the Bassman setting on ch one turned up about one half way. It gets great saturation and has balls!

The Vibrolux setting is a bit too trebly for my tastes, but the amp can easily be modded to taste by a knowledgable tech.


The drive channel was a bit too buzzy for me, but again, we all hear things differently.


Still, a great sounding amp when adjusted correctly.

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