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Anyone makes a small rack poweramp?


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With the popularity of low power, small amps it's interesting there are no small poweramps.


I know... Rack setups were popular in the 80's when you were a laughing stock if you ran anything smaller than a full stack...


But think about it... With the increased interest in bedroom amps isn't a rack setup with its modular design and ability to get decent sounds at lower levels and combine all sorts or preamps interesting?


Why doesn't anybody make a small powered mono poweramp? Something with 15-20W or even just with one tube running in class A. Built in attenuator, possibility to swap tube types etc. Seems like a bedroom wankers dream.


Or am I going completely nutty here :confused:


You tell me! :p:lol:

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With the popularity of low power, small amps it's interesting there are no small poweramps.

I know... Rack setups were popular in the 80's when you were a laughing stock if you ran anything smaller than a full stack...

But think about it... With the increased interest in bedroom amps isn't a rack setup with its modular design and ability to get decent sounds at lower levels and combine all sorts or preamps interesting?

Why doesn't anybody make a small powered mono poweramp? Something with 15-20W or even just with one tube running in class A. Built in attenuator, possibility to swap tube types etc. Seems like a bedroom wankers dream.

Or am I going completely nutty here

You tell me!


Mesa's 20/20 is the only small that I know of....although the Egnater designed Randall/Rocktron stuff may have a low wattage feature.

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Yeah, I know about the Mesa the Marshall is no good though. You have to run both sides or it fries.


It's not that I'm seriously considering buying one... I'm more curious if anyone knows of some more exotic small poweramps.

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There is not exactly a huge market for small exotic power amps. There's got to be over 100 companies that have made pre's, but probably less than 20 that have made tube power amps for guitar, maybe more if you factor in studio purposes. The majority have been based on EL34 or 6L6.

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