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Connect Reverb Tank on Peavey Classic 30


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I just bought a Peavey Classic 30 right on this here forum without a reverb tank. I planned to put one in myself, but I'm not quite sure where it plugs into? There are no dangling wires or anything... Can't find one anywhere. Could someone tell me what the reverb tank hooks up to? =P


Maybe I'll end up just getting a pedal instead if it's a very difficult task.

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Nope. Coming out of the hole in the "head" part of the combo are 3 wire bundles. One big black covered bundle that goes straight into the big black thing on the left side (looking at the amp from the front). One is a yellow/blue pair going into that same black thing. The last one is a yellow/blue pair going to the speaker. ]=

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Actually the wires that go from the amp to the transformer are white,green,black.


But all the wires I can find inside the combo seem to start and end somewhere, nothing I can plug into a reverb tank. ]=

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This is the kind of amp that has all the service data circulating in Internet, and if it wasn't you could get it from Peavey anyway by just requesting.


Download the schematics and the PC board layouts and they will show where the reverb send and return wires should hook up.


Hint: look near the only opamp (8-pin IC) on the PC board. It's in the board section to which the potentiometers are mounted to.


You also need to figure out what is a proper reverb tank for that amp. They are not all similar and the tank needs to be matched to the amp design for optimal results and to avoid destroying parts due to mismatch.


The service manual might have a parts list that will tell you what type of tank the amp uses. Perhaps you could even email Peavey and simply ask them... :poke:

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