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Hey JCA , How about a 6V6 version JCA20h Head


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Doug, how about making a 6V6 version JCA20H head with 2 channels like the JCA100H head ?

And make the lead channel the high gain channel like the 100H.

It would be the little brother of your flagship amp.:thu:

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JB - you cracked me up, man. I am a bit of a novice with these threads, so I don't always see the stuff. I have to learn how to get alerted or something...

or, you can email me: doug@jetcityamplification.com - then you know for sure I will read it!

So... 6V6 huh? Mike and I are currently working on some new stuff, let me kick the idea around with him. What other features are you thinking about?

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JB - you cracked me up, man. I am a bit of a novice with these threads, so I don't always see the stuff. I have to learn how to get alerted or something...

or, you can email me:
- then you know for sure I will read it!

So... 6V6 huh? Mike and I are currently working on some new stuff, let me kick the idea around with him. What other features are you thinking about?


Thanks for responding Doug. A 1/2 power switch would be really cool to have as well on the JCA20H . :cool:

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Jet City needs a custom shop
It's really cool that they've got such a buzz going on around here, but there's likely no profitable way to fill all the requests that come in all the time.


They have one....its called Soldano Custom Amplification :idea:

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