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Professional lyricist required


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I'm looking for a professional lyricist to come up with the words for a track i'm working on. I have been scouring the web and have drawn blanks so far. All the instruments are laid down, as well as the vocal melody. This is in the space rock/Pink Floyd genre and if anyone has any suggestions they would be gratefully received.


Many thanks.


P.S. Not sure if this is the right forum to post in, so mods please feel free to move this post accordingly.

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Probably the right forum, but I don't know of any professional lyric writers. I could have a skewed perspective but you might do just as well with a lyricist who is merely obsessive-compulsive or does it for the love of writing. Folks seem to get good at writing by writing rather than by getting paid. I have never made one cent from a song lyric and while I am not averse to monetary compensation for my effort I expect I will keep writing until I croak just because I enjoy writing.


I'm not saying I'm much more than competent at stringing words together but I do observe that the more a person writes the more likely they are to improve, regardless of whether they're professional or not. There was this one woman, her name was Emily Dickenson, who wrote some really good verse but was never even published while she was alive. Not a professional writer, but really quite good.


Your work sounds interesting. One possibility you might consider would be to post a link to the track and let anyone who wants to take a swing at it. Then you could sort of pick through the litter and choose the puppy which most appeals to you.


Writing is not like performance and it's sort of hard to make a living at it; I think most people write in addition to the things they do to actually keep bodily functions going.


Good luck with your projects. There is a wide range of skill sets among the people here. I find writing words much easier than writing music, and I think you have good reason to hope to find someone here who will help you complete your vision.

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