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Axe-Fx guys, Cab sims or not?


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Try and hear. When I run my pod xt through some guitar speakers and the output mode was "combo power amp" if I remember correctly, it had the cab sims on but mic sims off. It matched better than cab sims off. But that was the pod. It sorta gave a "distortion box-preamp with cab character signal" to the guitar speaker. It worked!!! I also hear that some people prefer their boss gt-8 through guitar cabs with cab sims on. And then comes tech21 that is sorta modelling but sounds great through a not full range V30 that tames just about the high end.

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Cab sims only when going full range or direct.......



This...a cab sim on while going through a cab is generally not going to sound good.


I use the axe with the 4cm with my Egnater Mod 50 and use neither power amp or cab sims.

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