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I just bought a Rect-o-verb head off a local guy. I've had nearly every mesa made except a couple so this is my first rectoverb. Said I'd never try another single rectifier, but this other band we played with the other night, the guitarist used a rectoverb combo and I thought it was tight. And this head does sound pretty good. A solid rock/metal amp.


One new amp in means one old amp needs to go so I had A/B'ed a few of my amps (just high gain tones) and here is my opinion in order of best gain tone for a few of my amps (all into the same vintage 30 loaded cab):



Krank Rev100



I loves me some 6505/6505+ but the '+' just didn't hold up to the other 2 amps. The Krank Rev is the best overall amp out of the 3, but the rectoverb wins out for just the high gain channel tone.


your mileage may vary. :thu:

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