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banned from TGP


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TGP does have great classifieds, but the place is in serious need of an enema.


There was one time one of their local cronies was trolling on there, bad mouthing one of the local amp builders with a lot of {censored} talk. I told the guy to "stop being an a-hole and to leave the dude alone." Me = banned for 3 months for insulting another member! :mad:


But to the guy who was trolling, who was also 'insulting another member?' - nada!


Also received an infraction once for posting a link to an ebay auction that was a killer deal. Guess you can't "post ads that are not your own." :freak:



Not quite. Needs:


-Double-digit amount of pages

-Severe mental breakdown


You mean, in short, it needs Doug! :thu::lol:

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Seriously gdwill2u

1) What's it to you?
2) If you're going to threaten legal action against someone who is threatening the same, you'd better call your lawyer first before tipping your hand by telling the entire internet including the individual in question that you plan to sue.
3) You don't have a case. Let it go. Live, learn, accept it, and move on. You and TAG aren't friends anymore, oh well, guess he won't send you christmas cards or invite you over.
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Yeah, alot of people buy gear, only to make a buck out of it.

But at least they can be honest on the cause, I mean {censored}, people are still going to buy it for the same price, wheter he did in fact have financial troubles, old uncle with failing kidney or just wanted to make a little profit.

To be honest, I don't think ANYONE's buying Dumble amps because they sound "good" today, they all know that the price is going through the roof, and that they can pretty much controll the market price on those.

Hell, he could probably add 10k to it as a "dumble ownership fee" or whatever.

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Well you don't have all the facts but that is OK, I agree, maybe I should not have defended him, but you know I would do it again. I don't like rumors and I won't sit back and let someone's reputation be trashed without proof. Sorry I'm not built that way.

I have no hurt pride and this whole thing is getting silly. I came to HCAF for a little support and sympathy after getting abused at TGP. Instead I got the usual pile on crap, with a bunch of wanna be lawyers trying to scare me.

Oh well, I thought I had earned a measure of respect around here, but I guess not. I defended the guy against rumors that were unverified, went to him like a man and asked him directly what the truth was and he refuse to answer. I got banned for this behavior and now just wanted a little group hug from my buds at HCAF.

Oh well

I will shut up now, this is a dead issue to me....what's done is done.

How can you get respect from a loaf of High School kids, who just sit around post on here and pick there nose... well in some case sit around and eat a lot Dew...

]I think you are taking this far though, dont let the internet get you annoyed I would have thought by now you would have realised there is a fine line between people and animals.

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It's called the pump & dump.


Bingo, and the guy selling that Dumble is the KING of the pump & dump. He's notorious for it.


His posts are hilarious and his playing is wretched. He's such a complete tool, he is by far the MOST full of himself person on TGP.



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