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6505+ not working


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My amp seems to have issues....I bought it second hand. Don`t know how the previous owner treated it, but know the guy and know the amp did not see the road......

When I was on a tour, after a couple of days,all of a sudden, without a warning, it just stopped working....but after a little, it started to work again, and then not work again. The fuse was blown. next day we changed the fuse and fired it up, and it was the same...at first it worked, then it didn`t work.....

After coming home, I took it for repair. The guy said, the power tubes are {censored}ed, the rest of the amp seemed fine, couldn`t see any other damage....We changed the tubes. I tested the amp a little. Was at my appartment and couldn`t turn it up loud. Was playing it for around 10 hours at really low volume...everything was OK. But today, I took it to a rehearsal and turned it up loud...after a couple of minutes, in the middle of a song, it just stopped working again.....

have some advices?

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