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Although you did not say it couldn't be done, you implied that the cost savings on the builder end would not be enough for a significant price drop. Cliff did not say that was the reason, he actually contradicted you by pointing out the expensive DSP in the current product. If the cost difference were not significant enough to even think about it, then he would have said so. You were wrong.

I would like to see a preamp only version built for $600 - $800.. It can be rack mountable. The metal case is probably one of the least expenses compared to the DSP..

What's wrong with a preamp version other than it apparently butt-hurting everyone who dropped a lot more for a full version?




Nothing wrong with it. Yours and his definitions of "significant' could be different. You mentioned things like not rackmountable and plastic chassis to save money...and it seems you want to REALLY cheapen it (Pod style)to get in your price point. I believe that would be a mistake. It seemed to me you would want it way too cheap than what a worthwhile, high quality product deserves to be.


It's all moot until a price is revealed...and not worth arguing about. It seems to me that it would be a very small niche, but, if the manufacturer is willing...more gear is always good.

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I'm still waiting for a Floor Axe. Maybe stripped down. Several decent amp models and cabs, minimal effects (reverb, Chorus, Delay), that i can just grab and plug right into a PA or powered amp and play. I'd have the flexiiblity to change to 4-8 tones on the fly via footswitch. Keep it around $500 and I'd buy it.

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Ok, so slap a quality tube power amp on the end of it and I could live with that.. It might be a bit less accurate, but close enough.. Your just mad that Cliff sunk your boat by saying that it could be done after you said it couldn't..



Nope look what I said the cliff said pre only, you said models ie the whole amp.





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Nope look what I said the cliff said pre only, you said models ie the whole amp.




I read it and understand.. Sigh..... I meant that the real tube power amp that pushes the speakers would do the job instead of the fake power amps in the snax.. I guess the real power amp isn't good enough, it needs to have a digital one as well so it will be more real..

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