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homemade reverb chamber


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it will work with any shape,

basicly take a metal shape, problably a beer keg because they are easy to work with, and take metal springs and put them into the keg longways so they go from speaker end to mic end, it will give you a really nice reverb sound and sound way bigger than it actually is.

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Originally posted by sempri_fi

it will work with any shape,

basicly take a metal shape, problably a beer keg because they are easy to work with, and take metal springs and put them into the keg longways so they go from speaker end to mic end, it will give you a really nice reverb sound and sound way bigger than it actually is.



Are you talking about springs like this?





Thanks for all the replies so far!

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not just small springs though, just any spring, long, short whatever, the purpose is basicly just to be a battery of sorts to store the sound energy and let it out slowly.


the speaker viberates the springs which the microphone picks up and the sound not only from the speaker but the springs too.


its the same idea as the little plasic reverb microphones you might of played with as a kid on a large scale.

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Back in the Olden Days there was the Cooper Time Cube which was a coiled copper tube with shure mic capsule at each end. One used as a transmitter (speaker) and one used as a receiver (mic). You'll have to do search to find details. This system is very compact and rugged.

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Tis said that the reverbs in the old Hammond Tone Cabinets is a cut above, and they look kinda cool. However why reinvent a less well performing wheel, when there are so many good digital reverbs available, some of which are very affordable, especially used. Try a TC M1 one the low $ side, or a Kurzweil Rumour for medium bucks.

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