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Help! Rivera died mid-gig! Can you diagnose these symptoms?


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haha, alright Smart fella! First thing I did this morning was order some spare fuses. I don't live anywhere near a place that sells them and I am currently way too busy to travel into town. They should be in the post Thursday morning. But until then, I'd like to learn some stuff thanks.

Is that cool with you?



that was the first thing you should have done when you first bought the amp, as well as a couple of spare pre and power tubes. So you just learned something else, if that's cool with you.

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that was the first thing you should have done when you first bought the amp, as well as a couple of spare pre and power tubes. So you just learned something else, if that's cool with you.



haha, wow, you must be droppin' beet-roots or something! I've only had the amp a week! Chill your beans.

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haha, wow, you must be droppin' beet-roots or something! I've only had the amp a week! Chill your beans.

I'm chill dude. After all, I'm not the one stuck in the middle of nothingham with a broken amp :wave:

Seriously though, having these parts are like having spare strings or cables, man..so maybe you should keep them a couple of them stocked so next time you can troubleshoot things quicker. Check the fuse values and tube types of all your amps and have at least a spare set of tubes and a couple of fuses for each amp, maybe even carry a few on your gig bag. Trying to troubleshoot an amp before you have done these things is kind of like trying to find out if there is anything wrong with a car that is empty on gas. Waste of time. Get the new parts swap them, and test the amp again. If you still have a problem AFTER you swapped them, that's a different story. But right now, you are just wasting your time with speculations.

This is good advice that you probably won't take because you are more concerned with being a cocksucker. Well enjoy your broken amp then. But there's nothing that you will "learn" here that will eliminate the fact you need to try new fuses and pre/power tubes first. Sorry if that hurts your fragile feelings.

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Is it a 55 watt or a 100 watt Fandango? Like said before check the fuses first. Most of the time you can visually see if they are okay. If they are good and it's a 100 watt Fandango you can actually run it with just 2 tubes instead of 4 so you can swap them around temporarily to see if one is bad. 2 tubes = the 55 watt unit. If memory serves me correctly if you use 2 tubes in the 100 watt (4 tube setup) put them in the outer 2 slots. I would however bet on a fuse.

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I'm chill dude. After all, I'm not the one stuck in the middle of nothingham with a broken amp

Seriously though, having these parts are like having spare strings or cables, man..so maybe you should keep them a couple of them stocked so next time you can troubleshoot things quicker. Check the fuse values and tube types of all your amps and have at least a spare set of tubes and a couple of fuses for each amp, maybe even carry a few on your gig bag. Trying to troubleshoot an amp before you have done these things is kind of like trying to find out if there is anything wrong with a car that is empty on gas. Waste of time. Get the new parts swap them, and test the amp again. If you still have a problem AFTER you swapped them, that's a different story. But right now, you are just wasting your time with speculations.

This is good advice that you probably won't take because you are more concerned with being a cocksucker. Well enjoy your broken amp then. But there's nothing that you will "learn" here that will eliminate the fact you need to try
fuses and pre/power tubes first. Sorry if that hurts your fragile feelings.

Now you're being a dick dude. There's no need to come on that hard. :facepalm:

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LOL why would I be butt hurt? None of your temper tantrum was directed at me.


just in case :lol: and I love that form and haven't posted it in a while.

And no temper tantrum from me, just advice that can be taken one way or the other. How do you test a fuse? Try another one and see if it works. That's how. All the other neat Snapple facts may get you ahead if you're playing Jeopardy but has little to none real-life purpose.

I am waiting for the day someone will post "I'm in the dark, should I check my house's wiring? "before trying to change the damn light bulb. :lol:

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I'm chill dude. After all, I'm not the one stuck in the middle of nothingham with a broken amp

Seriously though, having these parts are like having spare strings or cables, man..so maybe you should keep them a couple of them stocked so next time you can troubleshoot things quicker. Check the fuse values and tube types of all your amps and have at least a spare set of tubes and a couple of fuses for each amp, maybe even carry a few on your gig bag. Trying to troubleshoot an amp before you have done these things is kind of like trying to find out if there is anything wrong with a car that is empty on gas. Waste of time. Get the new parts swap them, and test the amp again. If you still have a problem AFTER you swapped them, that's a different story. But right now, you are just wasting your time with speculations.

This is good advice that you probably won't take because you are more concerned with being a cocksucker. Well enjoy your broken amp then. But there's nothing that you will "learn" here that will eliminate the fact you need to try
fuses and pre/power tubes first. Sorry if that hurts your fragile feelings.

Wow, some good advice there, thanks... but also some pretty extreme mood swings... really strange behaviour you have there. I'm surprise you'd let a cocksucker like me get to you so much! But I'm guessing that you talk nothing like that in real life, face to face with people... maybe even friends?? Or maybe you just model yourself on other arrogant ass-warts like Axl Rose, or maybe even Simon Cowell? ;) Either way, it's pretty sad.

Nothingham?... haha, I see what you did there... you changed one letter in the word in a vein attempt to make it insulting... that's clever. Now I see why you don't ever have any technical troubles. A member of MENSA perhaps? And where do you live?... the Taj Mahal? Or maybe with a nice view of Christ the Redeemer?

It must be so easy when you're right all the time... that must be why you hang around on forums, waiting for people to ask a question that irritates your fragile ego, and then replying with a strange mix of schizophrenia and what I can only see as an inferiority complex.

But I guess being on a high horse pays well???

But seriously, as I said previously, I don't have the correct fuse as a spare, I have spares for my Marshalls and Fenders but not any for the Rivera. Only had the amp a week. Just wanted a quick way to check if the fuse was okay or not, cos visually it looks fine. It might not even be the fuse right? So should I not have posted this thread at all?... is that your final point?

Thanks anyway, you're a chum

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Is this even possible?? I've been a member here for many years now and have never seen this guy before.



Deep breath count to 10, there is very helpful people but very sarcastic people as well, including me.


They will give you s lot of advice, billy has been here for a while and is as active as me.

And to be honest you have a nice amp there but you should understand if you do have a Valve amp spare Valves and fuses will always be handy, they are up there with picks 'n' Strings.


Try not to be too insulting and you will get a lot of help, but to be honest edit you post as personal attacks are not warranted really are they.


Now kiss and make up.

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Just a funny story, and a good thing about Riveras. I've been gigging since 1983, and this just happened in 2006.

I'm at the gig, setting up. I plug everything in. Amp powers up, tubes glow. No sound. I couldn't figure it out after a couple of minutes, so, I got my backup amp out of the car and played the gig.

Come to find out, I wasn't looking careful enough when I was plugging stuff in, I had plugged my speaker cab into the 2nd speaker jack, not the "main" or "1st" one! (Hopefully, you didn't do this!)

Most (if not all) Riveras have a circuit where it won't damage the head if you don't have a speaker plugged into it. Thank gawd.

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Just a funny story, and a good thing about Riveras. I've been gigging since 1983, and this just happened in 2006.

I'm at the gig, setting up. I plug everything in. Amp powers up, tubes glow. No sound. I couldn't figure it out after a couple of minutes, so, I got my backup amp out of the car and played the gig.

Come to find out, I wasn't looking careful enough when I was plugging stuff in, I had plugged my speaker cab into the
speaker jack, not the "main" or "1st" one! (Hopefully, you didn't do this!)

Most (if not all) Riveras have a circuit where it won't damage the head if you don't have a speaker plugged into it. Thank gawd.

Spare amp FTW! :thu:


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Deep breath count to 10, there is very helpful people but very sarcastic people as well, including me.

They will give you s lot of advice, billy has been here for a while and is as active as me.

And to be honest you have a nice amp there but you should understand if you do have a Valve amp spare Valves and fuses will always be handy, they are up there with picks 'n' Strings.

Try not to be too insulting and you will get a lot of help, but to be honest edit you post as personal attacks are not warranted really are they.

Now kiss and make up.

Yeah sure, you have a fair point, and I don't like to make enemies. But if you look at the facts here, and read what Billy wrote, then you'll see that the personal insults began with him calling me a cocksucker!... thats not cool, and I won't let anyone talk to me like that. Am I not justified in defending myself here?

And as I've said numerous times, I have spare everything for my other amps, but I only got this Rivera last weekend and have a really busy lifestyle, I just can't drive into town at a moments notice... I live out in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere!... it's lovely, but ain't good for shopping! Anyway, new fuses should be here tomorrow morning... I just wanted to know if theres a way of testing a fuse in the mean-time!... simple!
I'm just hoping that will fix my problem after all of this!

And in response to an earlier post, I did indeed try the power tubes... it was my first port-of-call, but sadly it didn't fix my problem.

Xan :)

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haha, wow, you must be droppin' beet-roots or something! I've only had the amp a week! Chill your beans.



so at this point if I called you a cocksucker, well suck it up, you were acting like one.


Sorry if I facepalmed you for taking a multimeter to measure a $2 part that can't be fixed anyway, but other than that, you deserved to be called what I called you.

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