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US guys - Broadband traffic management?


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I was just wondering if you guys get traffic managed over in the states?


I had to do some work at home the last few weeks. Given the nature of my work, its usually CD images I have to pass back between servers and client machines.


So, last few days, my unlimited 20mb Virgin Media connection is slow as dogs. Did a speed test and I'm getting just barely 2Mbps.


Called them up and I've been put on traffic management. Course, their excuse is bad ol' Mr. Satannica is chewing up all the bandwidth so poor Mrs. Miggins down the street can't check her email. Apparently, as I went over 20Gb usage, it flips me onto traffic management which means 2Mbps. WTF?


Is this just another example of us round-eyed Brits getting the shaft, or does this go on in the States too?

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