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Tweaker or Rebel 20???


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I've just spent the better part of today trying to decide between the Egnater Tweaker or Rebel 20. At one point I had one or the other in my cart at AMS, but then changed my mind.
this would be used with my original band (think Replacements, Wilco, Guided By Voices), and I'm currently gigging with my Vox AC4 combo (we have a minimalist setup). Main guitar in this band is Epi Wildkat, Fender Baja Tele as secondary. I'm not entirely thrilled with the tones, and I'm also looking for a bit more muscle. In front I primarily use either an OCD or RAT for overdrive, and a DD7.
If I went with the Tweaker, I thought I might A/B with the Vox -- Tweaker for overdrive leads/crunchier rhythm, Vox for clean noodling/clean rhythm. If I went with the Rebel 20, that would probably be my only amp.
but I just can't decide. Can anyone tell me why you would choose one over the other?
FWIW, I'm going to try both out at the store on my way home tonight.

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Unfortunately they didn't have a Rebel 20 in stock, but I got to fool around with the Tweaker. Man, what a nice amp. Plenty loud, which was my other concern. The versatility is unbelievable.

The only thing I didn't like: when I switched from Hot to Clean, there was a noticeable volume drop, not just a change in tone. Not a super big deal.

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I played my Tweaker last night for a long time and it impresses me more every time I play it. It just does so much and does it so well its incredible. I havent played the Rebel so I cant comment on that. I do know the Tweaker is plenty loud enough to gig with. I am A/Bing between it and my Blackstar for gigs and I am extremely happy with how it all sounds together!

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If you want to put pedals in the FX loop the Rebel 20 runs the loop at instrument level. The Tweaker runs the loop hotter and may present an issue. Both are great amps. I have a Tweaker and my buddy has the the Rebel.

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You definitely should try both amps out if you get the chance. The Rebel is voiced a little more modern, where as the Tweaker is usually described as sounding more "vintage". It's kind of half and half with which amp people like. If you like fine tuning things though, the Tweaker obviously has more "tweaking" features to play with.

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