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So I ordered his pedal today....


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I was wanting to add a reverb pedal to my board, since my gate really kills the spring reverb that my amp has. After some research, the TDPRI boards really talked this pedal up. It is a simple setup, having one knob. But from the clips I have heard of it, it sounds pretty killer.


I was debating between this and the TC Electronics Hall of Fame and Hardwire RV-7. Ultimately I decided on this, because I don't need all the other reverbs. Just something to add a little bit of depth and sparkle.


So this is the pedal I ordered:

Hermida Audio Reverb



and here are some sound clips....





For $99, it seemed like a pretty good deal.




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They get great reviews. I got the Neunaber Wet which has code written by the same guy that wrote the code for the guts of the Hermida. The Hermida is straight spring while the Neunaber is more like a spring meets hall.


I wouldn't doubt I'll end up getting a Hermida as well for when I MUST have pure spring! :thu:

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The price of the Hermida was an intriguing part. If I could afford to buy the several hundred dollar units, I would have tried the Wet or the T-Rex Room-Mate. That being said, I really like spring reverb and really like the one on my amp BUT my Decimator does exactly that to the decay on the reverb, decimates. I could turn off the gate, but I really like to have it on so when I kick on the overdrive/distortion I don't have hiss.


I have read that you can use both together to get another vibe of reverb. However, I just plan on using it to get my reverb and will have it after the gate on my pedal board. It sounds really good on those clips, seems to have good depth and sounds full.



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