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First original piece in a long while! Axe-FX grind/death br00tz


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In the beginning I just had some really basic old-school grindcore ideas, but then when I hit the breakdown all I could come up with was something modern, and then what stemmed from there was all modern as well. As of right now there's just the two guitar tracks; I'll add bass if/when the song reaches some sort of completion. Hopefully vocals as well.


Anywho, what do you think of the TOANZ??



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Thanks! I wouldn't really call it fizz but if you're referring to what I think you are, that's the solid-state half of the tone... it's a mix of boosted SLO + metalzone (which acts like a solid state amp in this application). I actually like having that edge in there... of course it makes things less dynamic and makes the volume knob kind of useless but for straight up brutality having that mixture of tube beef with solid state bite is quite nice :D plus grindcore's not supposed to be pretty; this is actually quite smooth and articulate for a grindcore tone.

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Sounds good. Definitely starts up in like a Terrorizer style. Kinda didnt expect the fade out, but it works. And if you ever do vox, i imagine it should help some of the changes. Smooth em out a bit.


And i wish i could be more positive on the tones.!! I just havent gotten into your AxeFX sound yet. Its almost like you dont produce it enough in the box. I dont know how you are setting it up, but i get the feeling you probably get a good tone and plug and play. Which, in practice, is pretty much exactly how i prefer to work. But it just feels like the tone isnt fully formed yet or sumthin..


Anywho.........dont mind me...

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Well it's not my favorite for a boost (not a huge fan of the real thing either) but it can do some stuff pretty decently actually. Here's a clip that I recorded a while back; the guitar tone is pure metalzone, no amp.



That clip inspired this pic:



As for new clip. awesome. It may be my speaks but the guitars sounded distant in the latter / modern sections. Straining a little to hear what was going on.

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Sounds good. Definitely starts up in like a Terrorizer style. Kinda didnt expect the fade out, but it works. And if you ever do vox, i imagine it should help some of the changes. Smooth em out a bit.

And i wish i could be more positive on the tones.!! I just havent gotten into your AxeFX sound yet. Its almost like you dont produce it enough in the box. I dont know how you are setting it up, but i get the feeling you probably get a good tone and plug and play. Which, in practice, is pretty much exactly how i prefer to work. But it just feels like the tone isnt fully formed yet or sumthin..

Anywho.........dont mind me...

Yeah I was kind of going for Nasum in the beginning but Terrorizer works too, and its probably closer :D I'm probably going to redo the latter part, or maybe stick it on another song, because although I like it, it really does sound like two different styles.

Naw, I mind you! I really dig your tones, though I'm not sure they'd be MY tones... so of course I'm interested in your advice. Maybe I do need to produce it more, as my patch, like most all of my others, is incredibly simple, just boost, amp, cab and EQ. No expanders, compressors, gates, filters, other whatever. But honestly I'm really digging this tone... maybe it's my speakers (I'm using my home stereo system for monitors, admittedly not the best) or maybe it's that I can blast it at high volumes, but it just brings a smile to my face. I was in the practice space yesterday with this same patch but the cabs bypassed, running it into my solid state power amp and a 2x12 cabinet, and gat damn, it just sounded massive and thick and crunchy... and this is on a guitar where I haven't changed the strings in over a year :p

So I like it, but of course I want you to like it too. Of course I can't make everyone like my tone, but I want the kind of tone where even if someone says this wouldn't be their tone, they say it sounds badass for the style.

Hey, maybe it would help to not record direct but record through a cab into a mic... I'll try it out some day.

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That repeating chromatic thing that leads into the blasts at the end was awesome.



Thanks dude! Heh, that was pretty much a straight rip off of OH-era Decapitated (if you listen to the drums underneath it with that album in mind you'll be like, "oh... ahahahaa")

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Yeah I was kind of going for Nasum in the beginning but Terrorizer works too, and its probably closer
I'm probably going to redo the latter part, or maybe stick it on another song, because although I like it, it really does sound like two different styles.

Naw, I mind you! I really dig your tones, though I'm not sure they'd be MY tones... so of course I'm interested in your advice. Maybe I do need to produce it more, as my patch, like most all of my others, is incredibly simple, just boost, amp, cab and EQ. No expanders, compressors, gates, filters, other whatever. But honestly I'm really digging this tone... maybe it's my speakers (I'm using my home stereo system for monitors, admittedly not the best) or maybe it's that I can blast it at high volumes, but it just brings a smile to my face. I was in the practice space yesterday with this same patch but the cabs bypassed, running it into my solid state power amp and a 2x12 cabinet, and gat damn, it just sounded massive and thick and crunchy... and this is on a guitar where I haven't changed the strings in over a year

So I like it, but of course I want you to like it too. Of course I can't make everyone like my tone, but I want the kind of tone where even if someone says this wouldn't be their tone, they say it sounds badass for the style.

Hey, maybe it would help to not record direct but record through a cab into a mic... I'll try it out some day.


I think ive asked before, but isnt there mics that you can use too? Idk, maybe a muc emulation might help in rhe recording aspect. I would understand if you didnt like the sound of the mic in your normal playin situations. Like if i just

Jammed with my amp miced and listening thru headphones, i would prolly tire of that sound after a bit. Im just feeling like its missing sumthun. I have no doubt it might crush in a luve setting. But like Mattacaster mentioned about the fizz. Im not sure i'd say fizz either, but sumthin in the hi end feels unnatural or sumthin. Again, im just being critical for critique's sake, but i do think a bigger more dominating sound might help sometimes. While still keeping it raw. Perfect example, you said you were thinkin Nasum, i heard Terorizer. I love Terrorizer, but the tone on the first works but it also is pretty plain. Nasum gets that huge grinding tone, thats still raw and creates a bigger than life tone. This sound definitely kinda leans more towards the raw unproduced sounds of 1989 Terrorizer. Again, im not complaining, its your music, it sounds good. But it would be cool to hear somthing really crushing with your playing. And i think you got the box thats capable of pulling it off.



Sorry for the spelling. Im on a phone and its kind of a.pain the ass to put the curser in the right space to fix. So {censored} it

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I really dont know what they did. But nasum produced all their own stuff. So like anybody, he devoloped his sound thru everything. Gear, production, playing. Etc.etc. i just kinda fugure the AxeFx should get you a somewhat bigger sound. If you want, of course. It sure costs enough!!


And Missingastring, i really dont think Nasum had trebly thin tone. Maybe some of the early records/splits were, but Helvete and Shift sound pretty balls out to me. There is definitely some scoopage though..

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I {censored}ing love Nasum, but as I recall, the tone was scooped and razor-trebly. Not my favorite tone, for sure.



not exactly my favorite as a pure tone, but it worked really well for what they did. I wouldn't want to copy that tone per se, more the overall sound... big and pummelling.



And here's a modern version of that same sonic philosophy...



Now neither of these guitar tones are exactly what I'd want for my stuff exactly (too much gain, not enough clarity, etc) but the "wholy {censored} this is heavy" sound, is something I'm aiming for.

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