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OT: I was rear ended, insurance question

xmorgan socialx

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What do you mean "my history" This guy was a complete con artist waiting for an opportunity to score some cash. If you would have seen the "tap" that was made in the "rear end" incident, you'd see what I'm talking about. It was less of an impact than a kiddie version bumper car attraction. You have no clue what you are talking about in my situation.



did he back into you, or did you rear end him?

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You guys must be a bunch of marshmallows. I'm 55 years old and take harder hits than that nearly every weekend at the wakeboard park. If you can't tell you're hurt then you shouldn't be.



have you ever had a real injury? I have endured two torn mcls, 1 sprained ACL, 1 sprained TCL, whiplash, multiple concussions etc. in almost all of these injuries I felt "ok" not 100% but ok. even with my knee issues I tried to walk around on my own for a few days until ultimately the severe pain finally kicked in, or I actually fell while trying to stand up.


btw, gross, 55 year old at the "Wakeboard" park. go home.

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have you ever had a real injury? I have endured two torn mcls, 1 sprained ACL, 1 sprained TCL, whiplash, multiple concussions etc. in almost all of these injuries I felt "ok" not 100% but ok. even with my knee issues I tried to walk around on my own for a few days until ultimately the severe pain finally kicked in, or I actually fell while trying to stand up.

btw, gross, 55 year old at the "Wakeboard" park. go home.

So did the doctor kiss it and make it better?:facepalm:

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wtf is a wakeboard park

we have a skateboard part but isn't wakeboarding like, on the water..? we just call that "the lake" here...

It's like a skateboard park, only on the water. It has a cable that runs on tower mounted pulleys surrounding the lake. And a bunch of kickers, rails, sliders, etc... in the water.

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so you rear ended him, right? total scam.

yeah, once your wife was done.



Rear ended if that's what they're calling it these days...Total scam? Yes!

For $5000? I would have liked to stick my foot up his ass to give him a reason to make a claim

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Soft Tissue damage can come back to haunt you. You sound poor because you are avoiding the doctor. Too bad. Got rear ended on the freeway. I went to the doctor the same day and physio for months. There was a 2 year claim limitation so I documented the pain daily/hourly in a notepad for a year before settling. Never got a lawyer. Luckily I got a good settlement and the pain went away after a couple years. God knows if it will come back and no money can make up for the pain believe me.

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I'll add my opinion to others... Go see a f-ing doctor FFS.


I have chronic pain from getting all banged up on active duty a couple of times. When I got out it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now as I'm older and {censored} is just starting to hurt more.


You need a 3rd party opinion (doctor) to establish that there's an issue, no matter how slight because you could wake up in a couple of weeks and be all jacked up. I used to laugh at this stuff but at the age of 35 after decades of playing contact sports, riding motorcycles, Downhill bikes, surfing, etc. I'm starting to regret the dozen or so bones I've broken (not counting ribs and toes... they don't count lol) as now I'm sore.

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