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Blackstar HT5 - The new vs. old version


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Hi Guys,


I just ordered a Blackstar HT5 today, hope I like it whet it arrives. LoL


Just wanted to share some things from my endeavours: When testing out the HT5 line in the stores, I was going back and forth between heads and combos and old versions and new versions. I spent hours testing and using different guitars, etc. I can honestly say it seemed to me the new versions do NOT sound quite as good. Subtle but not the same. The newer versions DO have some new bells and whistles, but obviously they came at an expense (which is not uncommon for an amp mfr to create a "hit" and then move on to figuring out how to increase profit margin, or to add new features, by cutting in other areas). Or, believe it or not, just changing a circuit board layout (even though on paper the circuit is the same) can effect a change in tone.


Use your own ears of course, but what I found was that the new Blackstar 12" speaker does not sound that good for hard rock or metal. It has a little more bottom and top end, but now lacks the interseting midrange grind of the 10" that is so criitcal to hard rock and metal. Vintage guys and clean-players will probably like the 12", but I sure didn't. Also, any notion of more gain being in the new version, which is a rumor I kept running across, is totally false based on what my experience during testing. Lastly, the new "tone" control on the clean channel is not very effective. I am speculating on this one point, but it seemed to me the clean channel's "tone" control was actuall the ISF knob being re-routed to the clean channel. In other words, if you currently own an HT5 and are on the clean channel, tweak the ISF knob back and forth and that is basically how the new "tone" knob on the clean channel acts.



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its noticeable but not as is if the new ones sound terrible



Agreed, not terrible at all. But if you are a tone freak with a good ear, and especially if you plan to record with the amp, the change might be enough to bother you. This could also just be a result of the initial design and it will get tweaked around and improved later, that is not uncommon to occur with amp mfr's. Major props to Blackstar for what they've accomplished so far, let's just hope they keep tone as their top priority and don't turn into what we've seen happen with other amp mfr's.

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Oh, to clarify....the "new" version of the HT5H I'm referring to is the HT5HR - the one with Reverb, tone control on the clean channel, as well as the HT5C and HT5R (combo's respectively). I'm not sure, but it looks like the HT5H version of the head is no longer available, just the reverb version. Anyway, I snagged an HT5H while still in stock, so hopefully it kicks.

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