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Anyone know how to make my Itunes save all it's files to a external HD?

Tommy Horrible

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I'm 98% sure this is the way I did it. Drag the Free Agent iTunes folder to where you want it and iTunes will keep track of where it is. I did the same thing with my iPhoto library. I'm using a MacBook. I remember that I didn't have to tell iTunes where it was and being impressed. Hopefully, I'm remembering correctly.

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Hold option key and wiggle your mouse pointer back and forth. This should bring up the "Extra Tokens" nugget from the backdrop. Select the following to be:

EggTimer: True

Nuggets: 5

StringTree: Extra

Henway: 12


Then on OK, you should see the option to reiterate values... select this and that's where you enter your pathway to your file which holds your desired location in plain text.


Hope this helps!

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