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i'm all jacked up on 4 loko


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come at me bros!!




i'm in columbia, sc on a business trip. just wrote a check for 1,357,000 like a {censored}in boss and now am bored as {censored} in my hotel room drinkin.



hcaf entertain me or discuss random ass hilarious {censored} to pass the time

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my pup is in michigan and i miss him severly, lets talk about something else.



so what the {censored}... 12%, gat damn this stuff is good.



anyone seen any good movies? read any good books? i'm reading wise guy which is the story of goodfellas, i love that {censored}.

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yeah its the new version, not nearly as sweet but still goes down pretty good for 12%. i only bought 2, now its on to the rest of the pbr.


im going home tomorrow, cant wait. picking up my agile from getting a setup and cant wait to get mauled when i see my bear. travelling for work sucks.

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hmm. a 'so i'm sitting in a hotel room posting on hcaf' thread. we'll see how this goes ....



if you just cut a big ol' check - how come the recipients aren't taking you out to some fine establishment? sounds like they would have some $$'s for business expenses. you should be out on the town accruing stories to tell

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You know I haven't really tried one, and they're 2 for $5 at the Chevron Extra Mile nearby here....



go get a few of them and down them on the way back. next time some chick comes in with a broken braced up middle finger it should be a little more interesting.



or when you're playing NIN for the mooslem ladies.

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bro west jersey, {censored}ing lol. thats awesome bro.


if you must know, on these trips i do property tax lien auctions, so the recipient of my check is the local tax office and they didnt really offer to take me out on the town. i do get a fat per diem and bonus but most of that went to boarding my dog, paying my bills and new gear.


havent seen you around much but i am not really the attention whore of the group, just bored and trying to make this place a little more interesting.

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ahh.. i can see not much in the way of business outings after a payment to a tax office. mojo sent.


to be honest the days of decent business trip expensing is pretty much over where i work - was fun while it lasted.







btw, i wasn't busting your balls, just making an opaque ref to a classic hcaf thread.

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