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Fender Blues jr question

Angry Old Man

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Hey Guys

I once owned a mid-90s Blues junior that was exceptional


It had the "Gold" speaker instead of the usual Blue


and while my buddys that own a guitar shop normally didnt care for BJs they liked mine so much they used to borrow it for small gigs(Think 50s Blues)


I sold mine back in 03', but have decided to buy another one for around the house as it was excellent inthose situations.

But now there are mexican made ones/BJ III's/etc


I hear the circuit boards are now different, also the speakers have changed


Can anyone enlighten me at to what to look for to get another "good one"?


Speakers/boards/, what to look for?


Also if anyone is familiar with some of the mods out there I would be interested in learning about them.


Any help will be greatly appreciated


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